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Dank brownish no name

Discussion in 'Marijuana Stash Box' started by Henke, Feb 14, 2014.

  1. 2014-02-13 21.12.32.jpg  
    This stuff has visible crystals and a whole lot of hairs inside of the bud. It's just weird that i'm getting blasted off a bowl of this stuff.
    But Kandy Kush like in that picture barely did anything to me if i smoked a bowl, same with the purple cheese i picked up.

  2. That bud in the second pic looks premature. Airy and the trichs are really small..
  3. I agree.. but that bud has good trichs. It wasn't a shitty smoke at all.. infact the weed in the first pic is a little damp, but it burns better.
  4. Looks lovely!
    It's covered in trichomes! Look about right in size.

    It does seem poorly trimmed.
    But then again when you see them HUGE pistils I think you can't do much about it...
  5. Airy as all get-out. Looks premature. 
  6. Wow man its bud, doesnt look too bad either. If you're gonna be such a snob go to a different forum
  7. Looks like dank bud to me. If it smokes good and gets ya blazed why is everyone commenting on the maturity of it? Nothing he could help anyway.

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