Dangerous People???

Discussion in 'Pandora's Box' started by Dizzy, Jun 11, 2020.

  1. #1 Dizzy, Jun 11, 2020
    Last edited: Jun 11, 2020
    This maybe too Personal a Question for some People but I just Wanted to Ask anyways an See if anyone will Reply tho I Understand if you don't Want to.

    Anyways does any of my G.C Fam Know someone IRL that is Truely a Dangerous Person to others? The Reason I Ask is because my Brother is that Way...He isa Sociopath an also Sadistic too. The Cops Suspect him ina lots of Bad Tings but they Could only Prove a Little bit. It was Enough to get him a Long Stretch in Prison tho so now he in Statesville! I just Talked to him Today an it Made me Realize he hasnt Changed at all an Probably never will SMH I just Worry when he Finally get out he gone do the same stuff again an Hurt somebody else tho. I still Love no matter what he always my Brother but he Scares me too ngl.

    Anywho Sorry for the Rant y'all can Answer this or not it up to you I was J/W?

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  2. I know a few, but I try not to really associate with them.
    Too many triggers and flawed thought processes.
    Kind of sucks to have one as family though.

    • Agree Agree x 1
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  3. Yes, many. I love from a distance and wish them the best, but stay focused on myself
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  4. Yes sadly, got a couple in the family, a good mate, dude I work with, and I know way more of them than I’d like from the grapevine.
    Dangerous folks to be around but handy as fuck when you need a favour. Just make sure you never end up owing them one :)
    • Agree Agree x 1
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  5. Yeah, my Grandfather was the most dangerous person I've ever met.
    He was involved in one lynching that we know of, and god knows
    how many more we never found out about. Old time, small town Southerner.

    He used to sit out on his front porch with a gun in his pocket, looking at
    the High School kids in case a black boy, (not his words), put his
    hands on a white girl.

    Thank god the old bastard is dead.
  6. To be fair, god created him and put him there so he must’ve had a problem with them too :bolt:
    • Disagree Disagree x 1

  7. Ohhh lol he was like that smh! I wouldn't Wish Death on Anyone but also I can't Stand Racist People...I'm With a White Guy tho my Husband is Irish. He is Dangerous too but ina diff Kind of Way.

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  8. I don't wish death on anyone either. But there are some people
    the world is better off without. He's one of them.

  9. Fair Enough :) Anyways I Hope you Having a Nice Night Blix

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  10. Oh yeah. I've got a smile on my face.
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  11. There will be no changing that. Be diligent in not allowing him even the slightest opening, or he will pounce.
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  12. Oh I not Really Worry rn at least because he in Prison for a Long Times but Thank you for the Advise SP :)

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  13. Sounds like the old bastard I had for a grand father. Meanest son of a bitch I ever have known.
    Shot me in the back with a shot gun when I was 17, said I was the only one who knew where he was growing his weed so I must have been me that stole it. So when I shot his ass with my 30-30 they called the law on me. I only winged him, could have put one through his chest if I had wanted.
    But he was stupid enough to tell em' he shot me in the back with a shotgun just trying to scare me.
    Popped them little lead shot out for a week like pimples.
    • Informative Informative x 2
  14. Not unless someone fucks with them. Always told me "Anyone ever gives you shit over here, tell them you know so & so and such & such from xyz street."
    • Winner Winner x 1

  15. yeh. some folks dont know how hard being a human is in certain parts of the country. "white privilege" being what it is and everything. i think i was around 10 or 11 when i finally got to starting wearing new clothes instead of hand-me-downs, or homemade clothes. i played on the dirt roads behind our house.

    i was 12 or 13 the first time i was shot at in anger. no harm but a lot of hauling butt lol.
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  17. My Brother is alwys a Gangster too an I don't mean that ina Good Way tho he is Doing what those Kind of People do an also more Bad stuff I Guess because the Cops Suspect him in a lot but he Wouldn't Admit to anyting. Like isaid he a Sadistic Sociopath an he don't Feel anyting for his Victims tho he Say it just for the Business/Money. I think it Best he in Prison but I just Wish he was Different.

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  18. #18 Possuum, Jun 11, 2020
    Last edited: Jun 11, 2020

    you're not alone. psychopaths are ALL dangerous. sociopaths may or may not be dangerous. not all sociopaths are pyschopaths, but ALL psychopaths are also sociopaths. think about this for a minute - everyone - modern estimates are that ~1% of the US citizens are psychopaths. that's 400,000 people. even if the estimate is off by 50% that still leaves 200,000 psychopaths running around.

    the estimates for people having sociopathic traits? 1 in 100, by some estimates, more realistic numbers put it at around 3% of males and 1% of females. that is a bunch of people, and these are US estimates only.

    it is a dangerous world. when we look at the standard psychological checklist for what defines a psychopath we can see what category the people inciting violence are in, and we can see the category of people who are looters - sociopaths - that may also be psychpaths. THAT is what is going on.

    there are plenty of good, law abiding, peaceful people, protesting for BLM and police reform but the chaos is being perpetrated by the socios and psychos under the pretense of BLM and they dont care that their actions are taking away from the impetus to change to new social mores.

    imo it is a sad and unfortunate time for BLM. that good cause has been taken over by something that has ZERO to do with people of color.

    edit: and those statistics above apply to the people in blue as well. i think we've seen the "psychopaths in blue". make sense?
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  19. #19 Dizzy, Jun 11, 2020
    Last edited: Jun 11, 2020

    Mhm I Understand Possuum...maybe my Brother is Probably a Psychopath then because he done alot Bad Stuff to Innocent Peoples from what I Hear on the Streets an from the Police an Such an he been like this Since he was about 10 Year Old I Think. That's when He Started Showing it at least. I see what you Saying about the B.L.M an The Police too tho it very True my Friend.

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  20. Thanks for the Replies Guys Good Points too!!!

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