We gota step up our game boys this guy knows wuts up. [ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OvVeKj2DV8o&feature=related]YouTube - Marijuana Minister Update from Green Earth Ministries[/ame]
that plants huge. i want seeds of that shit!! wasup minister let me get a few seeds of the plant of life
Yep, when they find a plant they weigh it wet with root ball and all. In Mississippi ten pounds or more is an automatic life sentence without the chance of parole. Imagine going to prison for the rest of your life for two plants. Land of the free.
I love how the county made sure that the media would refer to it as a "28 pound marijuana plant". THAT, I'd like to see.
that is so fucked up man [ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PQKSQBJ58rY&feature=channel_page"]YouTube - Fuck The Police - Pineapple Express[/ame]
No bullshit- I have personally seen and touched a plant bigger than this one. My cousin in FL grew one as wide and a good bit taller in an 80-gallon drum.
hhahhahahha where i live in europe if they find at least 1gram for personal use they put you in jail for traficking and if they found 1 plant....
The general rule of thumb with law enforcement is that they will put the highest charges possible against you in an attempt to give you a plea deal where you plead guilty to everything they should have originally charged you with. 28 pounds my ass. With the root ball it would weigh more than 28lbs. They must've weighed the entire growth of the plant with stalks and all.
Alpharettatoker, what kind of car is that in your sig? Kinda looks familiar, LOL. Oh, and HIGH, neighbor, I'm not in the ATL, but a little ways outside, in west GA.
I know id love to live in Spain. Just grow all my weed for personal use. That would be the mother fucking life. Thats it, im doing it know. once i graduate college next year, im moving to Spain for a year or 2.