so my dad found my bong lol.... I guess I should tell you a bit about myself first... I'm male 19, athletic and in great shape, I get good grades (87% average in high school, 76 in university thus far. In no way shape or form does bud affect me negatively.... I first smoked at age 16 once every 2 weeks or so at parties and such. As I got older i took almost a year off of weed in order to ensure I would get accepted to every school that I applied to (university). Now a bit about my dad... he can be quite strict, although I find thats a parents job. Anyways he was born in the early 60's grew up in the 70's so i thought for sure he was a stoner. Talked to him today about it all, and he said he's scene every drug and knows what they can do to people.... he even told me a touching story about an individual he knows who was once a coke dealer, as well as individuals who still smoke today. Ok I agree coke is bad fair enough, I'm in no way looking to try anything else lmao..., and one of the guys he knows who still smokes isn't the brightest, but he's fun, loving, cares for his family works hard etc. wtf more could you ask. now he said he tried weed about 5times or so claiming he could count the amount of times he smoked on one hand lol... ya right not when u said all of the above. Possible but highly unlikely. Me and my dad are exactly alike btw alot of people say I'm a younger him, and I'm the type of man that would instantly quit weed/cigs once i found the women i know i want to marry, and would even stop drinking for awhile when it comes time to have children. I just don't see why there is no trust in me/belief in my maturity and ability to be a responsible young adult... so in the end he doesn't want me smoking, he hasn't given the bong back i duno wtf is gonna happen but ya, atleast I have my stash still.... anythoughts? keep toking lol? I want to talk more with him as our conversation was rushed as my mom was almost home from work (she doesn't know)
Doesn't your mom tell you that she wants you to be honest no matter what? There's an important lesson to be learned here.
so your saying if i talk to my mom about it she'll understand? LOL maybe if there's one person who should be able to convince my dad best it should be her if you think about it lol....
Idunno then man. My mom hated weed until I explained to her that I'm doing it as responsibly as I can do something illegally. She still doesn't like it, but she doesn't complain as much. When my mom found my stash when I was living at home I just stopped until I moved out... Now I have an apartment that I can smoke in when I want to.
Contrast with alcohol....Sounds like itll be OK...unlike that guy whose dad called and had him arrested....