D&D or Magic?

Discussion in 'Gamer's Heartbeat' started by TheIgor91, May 20, 2023.

  1. Yo, so any of ya'll play d&d or magic? Idk if this is the right spot but technically theyre games right? I get tired of talking to sweaty basement dwelling nerds about these games and would love to chat with fellow tokers(we're more relaxed about these convos i feel).

    so what's up? wrong place? lets talk mtg and dnd?
  2. Get this going, I'm new AF to DnD and wondering the best outlets for finding groups when your friends think it just sounds boring? I got a buddy at work who smokes too but he's like hardcore dnd and wants to talk more magic since i play the hell out of that game lol.
  3. #3 High4TheSunrise, May 20, 2023
    Last edited: May 20, 2023
    I used to play magic during the good ol days of magic back when black cards still had things like pentagrams on the art and outsiders of the game thought they were taro cards lol...around during ice age and mirage etc. I've also been recently getting back into playing DnD possibly if I can find a good online group. I'm also thinking about getting back into some Vampire the Masquerade as well.

    but man, me and my best friend and a few neighborhood kids would smoke bud all summer vacation long and we setup a few folding tables in my garage for us to play MTG all day every day. Them was the days. I pissed a few people off because I loved building blue or blue/white or blue/black control decks.
  4. That sounds a lot like my history with magic. Used to love it as a kid cause we all played. Now im older, and its "weird" or "odd" to my work buddies. I play a lot of online/webcam mtg. No smoking in view, no booze, no "drugs" cause some of the players are under 18. Which i argue, who is letting there 12yr old play magic online alone? Not me, id be right there and if i see something offensive to me, I say drop and find a new match. So i cant toke while waiting for my turn. Its pre-game toking only. sucks.

    As for DnD i have not found out much bout online but my coworker says DONT DO IT! My response? Well.... your not interested in letting me join your party (2 coworkers are apart of party) and the nearest shop is further than im willing to drive on my one day off for a maybe.... chance at finding players. So im stuck on what to do. I want to try roll20 but every dm charges it seems. I remember when no one was a pro dm and it was all just for fun.
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