Cyclic vomit syndrome

Discussion in 'Introduce Yourself' started by Reddy, Aug 15, 2018.

  1. Hello GRASS city.
    My name is Hayden and live in new zealand.
    I love weed, but last four five years been getting regular belts of spewing up. Doctors say it's the cannabis causing me to get cyclic vomiting syndrome.
    I do not drink alcahol, just smoke weed. And some ciggerettes.

    Been reading that more cases of this cyclic vomit syndrome is increasing with the increase in adults smoking it. So maybe weed not such a wonder drug afterall.
    Dam it I do not have much life enjoyments so now I cannot smoke weed , life just more boring lol

    Any others have this problem

    Cheers Hayden
  2. I’ve heard about it ppl going to the ER I’d be tempted to try edibles if that was going on with me
  3. cyclic vomit syndrome affects kids 3-7 years

    you gotta be 18yo to be here

    this perhaps more useful

    Cannabinoid hyperemesis syndrome - Wikipedia

    good luck
  4. Yeah edibles do not work, once the spewing starts nothing will go down not even water. Everything comes back up for like 15 hours of spewing. Always after going for poo. Had scan and they found nothing.
  5. I've coughed so hard, I ended up wretching, you're fine just toking strong weed
  6. Troll; Cannabinoid hyperemesis is a bullshit diagnosis proffered to demonize weed.

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