Cuttings Vs. Seeds

Discussion in 'Growing Marijuana Outdoors' started by evan341, Jan 3, 2013.

  1. Hey guys! i was wondering which is better to buy online, cuttings for just seeds.
  2. Where ya plan to buy clones from online? Never heard of it. Anyway, I buy seeds then clone the mom
  3. do you know if you can purposely get feminized clones off of the mother plant?
  4. Wait What? If a cutting comes from a mother (which is female), the cutting is female. Can't get a male cutting from a female plant.
  5. and theres no way to buy cuttings online?
  6. Not official places like you can buy seeds. I know in MMJ legal states, people deal with clones through places like craigslist, but that is risky. And I believe you can buy clones in the MMJ shops, but I do not know for sure. Your best bet is to grow from seed. Clone everything you grow (will give you experience in cloning). At the end of each grow, if any of your plants are monsters, or come out just the way you want them to, then keep the clone that you took and keep it as a mother. With a mother plant, when you take a cutting and grow her from clone, given the same growing conditions, that clone will grow just like her mother. And so on. If at the end of your grow, none of your plants are what you want, then you toss the cones you took at the beginning. Keep doing this, and in a few years you will have assembled mothers of all of your favorite grows, and can grow from clone whenever you want, and you will know what you will get from each plant, being that you own the mothers.
  7. thats all fine and dandy (thanks for the feedback btw) but im not sure how exactly to clone. also if im gonna attempt to grow outdoors i cant grow year round
  8. Well you hadn't mentioned growing outdoors. Also, there is tons of info on how to clone here on this site. Good Luck. Peace. :smoking:
  9. What state do you live in? In medical states you can buy clones anywhere from like 5 dollars and up. You can purchase these from dealers, shops and clubs. Even if you don't live in a medical state if you know a grower you can discuss business. I've traded clones for bud or other clones as well as bought new strains from other growers. Cloning isn't hard to do. Just take a small part off scrap the bottom end with a razor blade dip it in clone jel put it in rockwool cubes then cut some leafs in half and cover it in a humidity dome. Just keep it moist and in a week its ready to get put in soil.
  10. i live in NY and it seems pretty challenging
  11. Well you may need to get seeds then, but you will want to start them inside in a small pot and you can just use a cfl. This won't smell or be noticeable. I've started some in cups just right in my bedroom. Leave the cfl on for 24 hrs under it for a month or so until its a decent size and then throw it outside in a hole. Once you're plant is growing you can take clones off however many plants you started and even clone outside. By this time it shouldn't be rainy or windy and you can plant those outside in a bucket for a little then transplant into the ground after a couple weeks without as much of mother nature fucking it up as you'd run into in the spring time.
  12. lmao i was thinking early summer to early fall
  13. From seed? You'll need it out no later then early june. But id start it by april or no later then may.

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