cutting the stem

Discussion in 'First Time Marijuana Growers' started by jdazed, Sep 19, 2007.

  1. I'm ready to harvest some of my plants! Been playing around with a slow grow technique because of the area i am in! I have new shoots on the bottom, about 2 months, can I harvest the top and cut the stem about a foot above the new shoots or will this kill them off! thanks
  2. cut away, as long as you dont seperate the new shoots from the stem it will be good to go, the stem naturaly heals its self. you said ready to harvest, so i'm assuming its deep into flowring, this is actualy a good thing, as the top cola normaly finishes faster than some of the under growth, and by cutting it you get more light to the lower buds so they develope more

    just rember,t he more amber your trich's the more couch lock / body high your smoke will be.

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