Cuttin out the smell

Discussion in 'General' started by thisisamerica, Oct 19, 2014.

  1. When you smoke pot, whats the best method to making sure you dont smell like it?

    "A more serious problem is having your cock bang against the inside of the toilet bowl. That shits gross."
  2. I think your sig answers the question OP
  3. don't light it :confused_2:
  4. Take this into consideration


    You can wash hands, change clothing, put on cologne, brush your teeth


    Anyone who knows what weed smells like will know you smell like weed

    All you can do is minimize and evade, get proficient at those two last things and you should be ok.
  5. Don't hover over marijuana smoke?
  6. I've found that ozium works pretty well.
  7. Keep smoking; in a year, no one will care.
  8. Gets some pet goats to run around the house and sleep in your bed with you and you will never have to worry about the smell of weed alarming anyone.
  9. but with weed you will only smell for a short period of time.  At least in my experience.  Its not a smell that lingers nor is it a smell that sticks on you like tobacco.  
  10. #10 SupaAPE, Oct 19, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: Oct 19, 2014
    Buy a Vaporizer , you will be able to enjoy your cannibis , get higher, and not have any lingering smell in your house, or on your clothes.
    Burning and vaping marijuana are two completely different things, the later being healthier and better 
    the Odd blunt is nice on occasion though
  11. Smoke outside blow smoke upwards don't smoke j's wear a sweatshirt when you smoke and take it off when your done use hand sanitizer don't just wash them use mouthwash. That's the best you can do.
  12. The only reason i ask is because I smoke at work im an overnight security guard and i dont wanna stink like pot

    "A more serious problem is having your cock bang against the inside of the toilet bowl. That shits gross."
  13. you will be fine, just smoke outside of where you post up
  14. Vaporize :)
  15. #15 thisisamerica, Oct 20, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: Oct 20, 2014
    i have never even tried vaporizing i should give that a try

    Wrong reply
    "A more serious problem is having your cock bang against the inside of the toilet bowl. That shits gross."
  16. You probably don't have much to worry about as long as you're smoking outdoors, and/or you don't have a boss hovering over you.
    A vape pen might be a great investment for you, though. Can't toke much more discreetly than that :smoke:
  17. (Don't knock it till you try it) Rubbing toothpaste on your fingers then washing it off will instantly get the smell of blunt off, grab a pile of grass off the ground and rub it vigorously in your fingers and it will work to, as far as clothes go... Cologne?
  18. Smoke outside or blow out the window. Wash hands. Swish around some mouthwash, then water, then chew some mint gum. My rule of thumb is if you can taste the weed on your breath, people can smell it.

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