I plan on ordering a custom bong I haven't decided on a size yet as that is the issue I am having. I am stuck between a 3 or 4 footer but leaning more towards a 4 footer. I know I don't want it to have one of the funky long downstems that run down the tube, but I still want to be able to be able to comfortably smoke it without any help. Do you think an average size person would be able to comfortably light a bowl and smoke a classic style 4 footer? Thank you in advance.
Is it glass? I've never seen a glass bong over 2ft. Any bigger and it just get unweildy and can easily break. I don't think you will be able to hit it normally. Also what about cleaning it, that's gonna be a huge pain in the ass if its glass. You wanna shake a 4ft tube over your sink? Probably not. I'm also curious about who's gonna blow it. Not many glass blowers can or want to make one that big
Yes it will be glass, I plan on asking for it to be 9 mil thick. My is concern is not being able to hit it normally. 4 feet would include the bubble on the bottom so I figure the tube would be about 3 feet; I also plan on it being a double bubble design. I am looking to have my arm just about fully extended when hitting it but still be able to get a good hold on the bowl to clear it. Not worried about cleaning it very often as I plan on the bubble on the bottom to be color changing and it wont be an everyday piece obviously more of a corner piece due to size. It will most likely be an ARTS as they are who my local shop works with mostly for custom bongs. ARTS as my understanding is what Jerome Baker and his cousin started blowing under after Jerome Baker Designs (JBD) was shut down.
Man you should forget about a size like that, not only is it not practical, but you'd have a hard time actually smoking from it. I hope you have champion lungs because you'd be doing a lot of pulling before your hit even reaches you.
Wow thank you for answering my questions so well. The bubble at the bottom would be a great idea to bring the downstem up. How about going old school and having a carb instead of pulling the bowl to clear it?
Glass comes in 4 foot lengths. 9mm is very expensive, about 120$ a 4 foot length plus shipping. Then having the glassblower with a big enough kiln and big enough torches. Easily a 5-700$ shitty tube
[quote name='"bballplayyaa"']Glass comes in 4 foot lengths. 9mm is very expensive, about 120$ a 4 foot length plus shipping. Then having the glassblower with a big enough kiln and big enough torches. Easily a 5-700$ shitty tube[/quote] Why is it a shitty tube? Just because it doesn't have percs doesn't mean its shit. Especially if its what the op wanted, I personally think a 4ft tube would be bad ass. Just because something may be more then its worth doesn't mean its shitty
Have you ever hit a 4' tube? Not fun. I'm sure my brother could make it, just not worth the price at all
@Technyque Well I plan on it mostly being a corner display piece rather than an actual smoking piece although it will be smoked out of on occasion. I already have several everyday pieces so I am not in the market for just anything. @HBGBUB I did think about that but with the double bubble design I want I figure a carb hole would be too hard to clear the double bubble not to mention in So Cal where I am from JBDs are kind of a legendary bong known for a heavy chug that I have heard compared to a V8; ARTS have that same chug as they are blown by the same people. Unfortunately an OG JBD prior to 1999 will typically go for over 1000 used and thats if you can find one.
[quote name='"bballplayyaa"'] Have you ever hit a 4' tube? Not fun. I'm sure my brother could make it, just not worth the price at all[/quote] I do have a 5ft plastic pos I bought cause I thought it was cool years ago. I used to be able to hit it with one breath and clear it with the other. I haven't in a long time though @op Put the carb just above the bubbles so you can reach it but its still low enough to clear the piece properly.
@bballplayyaa haters gonna hate haha j/k I am well aware of the cost I anticipate it being close to $1000. No percs doesn't mean shitty tube; my plans for this is for it to be a heady tube that has only a regular downtube (no diffusion). Yes I am sure I can fill and clear it in one breath haha I used to have a 3 foot zong that the 5 points were bent downwards making it look like a Christmas tree with a 1 foot bubble making air volume a bit more than an 8 foot tube is my guess and I was able to fill and clear it in one breath (for a thick milk it was 1 breath to milk it and 1 breath to clear it) although that was about 5 years ago. @hbgbub do to the size of the bubble and with a second stacked on top i don't think it would clear properly not to mention it wouldn't have the heavy chug to clear with a carb hole.
I'm just saying that 4 foot tubes used to be cool, not so much anymore. That's just my opinion though, obviously everyone's different. Have you found a blower for it? Heady and 9mm is pretty hard I've heard
If you get a tube that big and you plan on being able to clear a decent size hit outta it you may wanna opt for a straight tube. Straights have always been easier for me to clear than a bubble or a beaker. I used to have a 5 foot 5 perk blue dot that hit like a brick shit house, the volume of the tube helps a lot in taking big hits, the secret is to control your breathing and suck very slow, that way the smoke piles up on itself instead of whisping up to you mouth quickly. This way you can fill the tube with smoke completely without irritating your throat or lungs with smoke, then when you pull the bowl power through that shit with a quick, fast, deep breath and you will be surprised at the size of a hit you can clear. I could milk and clear a 1 gram hit through that 5 footer in one breath. I'm stoned outta my gorde so I may not be making any sense but this is the best I can do to explain it. As far as the bowl placement, see if you can have them blow you a tube with a natural perk/stem that rides high on the tube so your arm can comfortably reach the bowl
@hbgbub ya thats what I am thinking as much as I would like a 4 footer if I cant smoke out of it then its useless lol. @bballplayyaa ya I hear you on that 4 footers arnt popular anymore but I feel thats because not everyone can smoke out of them and they take a lot of bud. Ya I got a blower lined up its gonna be made by ARTS, Jerome Baker and his cousin from Jerome Baker Designs (JBD) started blowing under ARTS after JBD was shut down in 1999. In So Cal JBD is kinda legendary for making top end heady bongs most of which were 7 and 9 mil. Also known for a V8 like chug sound and feel when ripping them. @Padre Pokes CHB As for a straight tube thats not the look i want not to mention a big bubble is more stable when its standing on its own. As far as the bowl placement I dont like the look of a bowl that rides high in the tube and the big bubble helps raise the placement of the bowl anyways. Your 5 perk in theory would also have a heavier draw to being pulled through more water but i also want a straight down tub that isnt diffused to get that old school OG chug that sounds like a V8 and you can feel it in your chest as you rip it.
@SsYyNn Well I am really just looking for something that I dont already have as I already have several really nice bongs so now I just want a something really heady one of a kind old school style bong. To be honest it wont really get used but maybe once a month or just on special occasions. I don't need a really nice everyday piece as I already have an ARTS heady 1 footer, an Illadelph Rasta label beaker bottom with an Illadelph ash catcher to match, and a pH(x) double honeycomb diffused double perc tube. Here are a few pics of my ARTS Photo Album - Imgur unfortunately I don't have any pics of the others at this time. And then I have a bunch of unique one of a kind pipes and bubblers that my cousin made for me before he committed suicide.
I have a 15" MediCali and that's all I need. I don't like all that drag and pulling on a 4 footer wouldn't be a great idea for rookies. I personally think its needless to be much above 2 feet, unless you already have a few in your collection
dude post some pics! seem cool, but maybe you should just spend your money on a well made acrylic or something then since your only going to use it so often,...
I'm pretty sure Jerome Baker isn't a real person... I think the guy's real name is jason harris or something like that