Custom in the sense that I made it myself In my ceramics class we had the assignment to make a teapot. The teacher called my design "clever" The little star is just a little lid or whatever. Underneath is where the bowl goes: The mouth peice is kind of hidden in one of the handles: Planning on using this cheap little bowl with it: So, any thoughts?
thats sick man haha! does the martini slide fit? and you shouldve made the other handle have a carb so it could be a huge steamroller thing.
Well congrats to you man. When I proposed my "tea pot" to my art teacher she called me out. "well that looks too much like a bong so your gonna have to make a few changes."
The hole shrunk when the clay dried so I have to shave the hole a little bit bigger but it'll be no problem. I also am not a fan of carbs on bongs, wanted to go purely slides on this one, so that's why I didn't do the steamroller thing.