Curing and drying the weed?

Discussion in 'First Time Marijuana Growers' started by get5007, Oct 17, 2007.

  1. Can someone give me a step by step account of drying the bud from plant to bong? I read so many different things and they all are different. Still don't really know what to do.
  2. dry upside down till the stems snap, dunno the approximate time atm, then its smokable, but you can continue the process by curing it in jars, fillt he jars 1/3 the way and close the lid opening 1-3 times daily for 15 minutes to let in fresh air. dunno the approximation on how long on curing either i think its just to your own taste maybe.
  3. Machine just bout nailed it on head. It all depends on how well you dried the bud, the better drying process, the quicker the curing process will be. Dry the bud in a dark, cool, and humid area with good ventilation. Cure it right! If it takes 2 weeks, so be it. In the end its all worth it. When curing, store the jars in a dark, cool area also.
  4. Mostly agree, but to add...

    Drying and curing are two different steps/processes, but people always lump them together or think if they do one they can skip the other. Both are important.

    Drying should be in a cool, dark, dry place with some ventilation. A simple way to hang them is to use old-fashioned clothes pins or binder clips to hold the stem to a line of string. Another method is to put the weed in brown paper bags, but I prefer to string it up. Can take anywhere from a couple of days to a couple of weeks, depending on the weed and drying conditions, but average is probably 4-7 days.

    Curing you can fill the jars to about 3/4 loosely filled. Jars should be completly clean and airtight. Open them twice a day for the first week or more, once a day thereafter. Curing improves the flavor of the smoke by managing the gases produced by the breakdown of chlorophyll (among other things). The longer you cure the smoother the smoke will be, I recommend at least 30 days of curing. No problem to pinch from your curing weed to smoke along the way.

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