Cures for nausea while high?

Discussion in 'General' started by JustAnArsonist, Oct 10, 2018.

  1. So, I smoke with a few of my buddies regularly. We all have plenty of experience smoking, but we've never really smoked with anyone else, so we don't really kno
    w any tips or tricks about this sort of stuff.

    One day, we bought a half ounce and starting going through a 2 gram bong bowl in less than 2 minutes. We were half way done when I started to feel sick (keep in mind that I had never before felt nauseous while high) and I just had to lie down on the floor or I would probably have puked. After awhile I felt good enough to stand and I ate something. I eventually felt better and told myself id never get that high again.

    Now, it's 6 months later and even a tiny joint makes me feel sick. It's completely ruined the fun of getting high, which is one of the few things you can do in a small town like where I live. I was wondering if anyone has any tips on how to get rid of nausea, or stop it from happening in the first place. I've eaten certain things that have helped, and being in a cold place helps a little bit. Any feedback would 've great, so I can finally get blazed again
  2. Are you smoking on an empty stomach? Sounds like greening out and getting uncomfortably high. Drink more water? Maybe try eating first all the time?
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  3. Google Cannabinoid Hyperemesis Syndrome. It sounds similar but you don't fit it, exactly.
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  4. try a dry herb vape.
  5. Ddddddd-double post..
  6. #6 Flavonoid, Oct 12, 2018
    Last edited: Oct 12, 2018
    I feel you bro.

    I sometimes get sick too, but after 2 years of puffing joints, I've long ago concluded some of the causes in my case:

    • External stimuli: Intense stimuli can make me green out. If it is complety dark for instance, and I look into a fire or a candle - hell, even a flashlight, I can start feeling dizzy, eventually get nauseous if I keep exposing myself to it. Getting to hot or too cold can affect me too.
    • Empty stomach: I am not a doctor, but THC lowers your blood pressure, and if you're low on blood sugar, things can get awful. If you're already starting to feel bad, pass the bowl for once and eat something light like fruits etc., or drink some soda or juice. Don't burst your stomach with food and stay off fatty foods such as pizza, as these fats can irritate your stomach, hence making you feel sicker.
    • Dehydration: By this, I mean both a bodily lack of water and the well known cottonmouth. Having a dry mouth and throat makes it all well sticky and your spit turns thick and slimy, which can leave you gagging a little. Getting sick of general dehydration is a no-brainer.
    • Mental state: Being stressed or anxious (depending on mood, setting and surroundings) can in rare cases affect me physically. Smoke when your mood is up and stay off places where the change of people passing by is minimal, hence avoiding paranoia.
    • Potency: Smoking loud that is way high on THC can be an overkill, especially for someone like you with a minimal tolerance. Smoke less or get a lighter strain. Alternatively, mix your bowl with other non-euphoric herbs that are smokeable. Such mixes are offered by Greengo, or just try some out yourself.
    • Nicotine: If you're European or allegedly from Seattle, chances are you're mixing either hash or marijuana with tobacco. We Danes roast the cigarettes with a lighter or on the stove before mixing, hence removing excess nicotine and tar through evaporation. If you do this, cut down to a lighter tobacco (=blue cigarette packs are usually light). Also, if you're a cigarette smoker and smoke before, during or after hitting the bowl, you can get sick too, as excess nicotine and THC doesn't go hand in hand.
    • Alcohol: Alcohol dilates your blood vessels, therefore making THC easier go through your system, hence making your neurons able to receive more THC, making you higher than usual. Drinking and smoking herb is a double edged sword, and can both make a great night or a terrible bad trip.
    Just my two cents. Hope it helps you.
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  7. *Stupid ass quoted my own post instead of editing*
  8. well could be number of thing - some people are selling mixed weed and stuff that has been sprayed
    I wont buy from someone I do not know very well
  9. Who tf gets sick when they smoke?? Marijuana helps with nausea...
  10. Some people smoke too much for their tolerance and get the spins and it's the spins that causes nausea in normal people. Especially when drinking. So IMO it's not really the weed causing the nausea it's the effects from the weed. If that makes sense, if not then consider the source.
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