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Cultivators liscence

Discussion in 'Marijuana Business and Industry' started by Tomflyes, May 29, 2019.

  1. Im in so cal. And was wondering what kinda liscence would i need to grow more than say 40 plants.

    Ive read up cultivators liscence. But what does that actually get me? Grow unlimited? Any help be great. Newbie here. Thank u
  2. What's a liscence?

    Please reply quickly, I'm on my way to renew my license.
  3. Super edgy. Like broad sword edgy. Ooooooooo.
  4. I hear u can apply for a liscense to grow for other patients up too 99 plants! I believe the same gov that issues the state med card are doing those! I would call and ask the places that right medical cards

    Sent from my SM-G935T using Grasscity Forum mobile app
  5. What's a broad sword?

    Please reply quickly, I'm sharpening my broadsword.
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  6. Me curious too

    Sent from my SM-G935T using Grasscity Forum mobile app
  7. Yea think it's like $60. At least up here in NorCal.
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  8. #9 GorillaGherkin, Jun 7, 2019
    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 7, 2019
    Nice profile pic. U pull that off your Grindr account or steel it off the web. If your online asking about laws and advice ya either aren’t ready for that type of business or ya can’t afford to get into it. Go ask a lawyer.
    • Like Like x 1
    • Funny Funny x 1
  9. Pretty much here is a quick list...

    Find a city in California that even allows cultivation. There isn't a "list" that I am aware of, so you have to research that first. You can't get a state license until you have a city that allows cultivation.

    Once you find a city that allows it, find the "zone" that the city permits cultivation in and look for real estate to lease or own. Expect to need a lot of capital to even purchase a small property. If leasing, speak with the landlord and be very up front about your want to cultivate, as you will need a written permission from the landowner stating you are allowed to commercially grow cannabis on the property.

    Go to the CDFA website and download the most current cannabis regulations (released on Jan 16, 2019). Read them entirely, and then read them again, and again, and again. Within the regulations it explains what you will need to get a license in terms of business paperwork and proof.

    Then go for your CUP, which generally requires a business license first, and a brief outline of what you plant to do, how you are going to do it, and all the other goodies.

    Once you have a CUP (conditional use permit) then you can go ahead and start gathering all the licensing documents, and submit an application to the state, pay their fees and wait...

    Its not easy to get one, mostly because of the lack of cities that even will allow cannabis growing...

    Also, if you go legal, be prepared to pay for all types of environmental studies CEQA compliance, Air and Water board research studies, Hazardous Materials permits...etc... .the fees never stop... so you will need a ton of money to be compliant...

    Being "legal" is very very costly right now.
  10. what are just growing for personal use?

    The the laws there different than here in OR? I believe here, we aren't supposed to grow more than 4 plants, but everyone does anyway.

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