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Crypto currency

Discussion in 'General' started by Kevin Gibbs, Nov 20, 2014.

  1. #1 Kevin Gibbs, Nov 20, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: Nov 20, 2014
    Is there any GC will be implementing crypto currency into its shop. Such as Bitcoin, lite coin, dogecoin, cannacoin, or potcoin?

    For those that don't know what cryptocurrency is here is an introduction:

    And here is how cryptocurrcy can benefit grasscity and other businesses:

    A few cryptocurrencies:
    Information on exchanges:


    • Like Like x 2
  2. Is that what Superman pays off his debts with?
    • Like Like x 1
    No. Lol.
  4. Hopefully not...The last thing this site needs is to adapt to a security vulnerable imaginary money. :cool:
  5. Bitcoin is bullshit. I'm really ashamed at global financial systems for even givig it any merit...
  6. Yeah I've never understood the whole bitcoin thing.
    Did the dollar stop working? Dunno, but it still works for me. Yeah I know the dollar is controlled by the gov and is being inflated constantly, blah blah, but until the dollar stops working I won't have any interest in an alternative currency.
  7. Well that's disappointing
  8. Wonder when well be able to attach a signature to a single electron and use it as money. Nobody could possibly change a electron.

    this is my signature. Right here.
  9. #9 benchwarrior, Nov 21, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: Nov 21, 2014
    sums up my experience with crypto-currency
  10. Bitcoin is too vulnerable. So I hope they don't plan to implement it here.
    • Like Like x 1
    It's value vs. the dollar is all over the map. Too volatile for a currency.
  12. Money doesn't exist.. I handle half-a-mil a day sometimes with my job, and even
    touching all of that paper doesn't sway me. it's all fake. and to think otherwise
    is very foolish.
  13. I just used it today to buy my lunch, bought a car with it last spring, and numerous things in between.
    Pretty sure it does exist.
    No, you gave an I.O.U to a vendor or merchant in exchange for something tangible.
    US Currency is nothing but Promissory Notes... A piece of paper saying that, eventually,
    the United States Federal Reserve will pay back what is owed on that note.. which is never
    going to happen because nothing is in the federal reserve and the US owes trillions in debt to
    other countries.
    I reiterate: money does not exist. It is a made up concept to enslave humanity until we break free
    from it.
  15. I can transfer value with BTC using XRP to wire fiat funds directly into a bank account.
    The end user didn't have to pay anything for that transfer.
    I paid about five cents.
    Zero if I wanted to be rude and wait a few days for a confirmation.
    Crypto-currencies aren't about making your online purchases any easier.
    They're about bringing the "other" six billion in the dark online..
  16. ... But it still exists. I also just exchanged money for food earlier. If I gave the store an actual IOU note I would not be eating a hoagie right now.
  17. #17 benchwarrior, Nov 21, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: Nov 21, 2014
    Explaining money is like describing to another fish what water is.
    Well, it's everywhere..
    Some forms of money are just more archaic than others.
    Doesn't mean they all serve a useful purpose. How economically beneficial credit is remains to be seen. Credit has become a hot potato, being chopped up and spun onto the next crony capitalist. The demand just isn't what it used to be.
    • Like Like x 1
  18. #18 QualiD, Nov 21, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: Nov 21, 2014
    That's exactly what you gave the clerk. an IOU. it's not like you actually gave him the value of those dollars in actual gold, did you? no, no you didn't. you gave them an IOU and got your food. simple as that. it's not a hard concept. it's also what many are trying to sue for in other countries around the world. right now in south africa a man and his team are taking banks on in the courtroom every other day and the banks could not prove that they had the money. it's impossible to prove because it doesn't exist. open your eyes...
  19. I'm almost positive that since I performed a transaction with currency, and got a good or service, that it has to prove the existence of money.

    The value of it might be based on arbitraryish means, just like gold and silver value is made up too. But since we made it up, it has to logically exist.

    Long story short, that's how I'm eating a hoagie.
    • Like Like x 1
    Um.. I said gold. not 'good' or 'service.' you did not pay the vendor in what the promissory note represents.. which is gold. you gave them a piece of paper which, as I stated before, just means that eventually they promise to make good on that piece of paper, but they never will. In case you didn't know, the reserve notes are promised to be repaid in gold.. the very same gold it doesn't have to begin with. so whatever 'abitraryish' line you want to draw after those facts exist in your mind only.
    I'm going to stop right here and let you go on your own and do a little research on the subject yourself..or whatever its your choice. I work with money and FDIC regulations 40+hours a week my friend..

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