
Discussion in 'General' started by iSPARK, Aug 15, 2011.

  1. Do you think it makes you less of a man to cry? Not gonna lie I cried today out of stress, my dad called me a spoiled lazy little girl, and then I cried :eek: not the best timing and certainly not the best response, but that's how it went down. There was a lot more build up than that but that's just summing it up.

    Now, that crying fit would have been over in less than 2 mins but pretty much immediately after that he said that my friend who died not even a month ago due to drunk driving, was a "bad person" and that pretty much sent me over the edge. I flipped out and explained to him that he never even met the kid let alone was able to judge him, blah blah blah walk upstairs and cried for a good half hour. I pretty much went through the whole mourning process again. I miss him D: It was not my proudest moment though that's for sure.

    So who here thinks it's taboo for a man to cry?
  2. its good to let it out sometimes but 30 minutes? man up
  3. It's just emotions man. Everybody has them, I don't think less of anybody who cries. I personally don't cry from physical pain, but I cry from things such as friends passing away and family members doing whatever. You deserved to cry.
  4. Well I mean it wasn't 30 mins of solid sobbing and crying but...
  5. Man I cry when I cry. And I have a penis. Hegemonic masculinity for the lose
  6. i dont think it makes a man less of a man if he cries. its good to let the emotions out.
  7. I think everyone needs to cry sometimes. It's healthy.
  8. Not being a man, I have little experience with being "manly". But I have 64 years experience being a human being!

    Animals can feel sad and mourn a loss, but only humans cry. You are human! You hurt and you cried- a normal human reaction. It may not be your proudest moment, but it was your most human one!

    And your Dad is being an ass! One should not speak ill of the dead!

  9. I find it extremely attractive when guys cry. I think it's taboo, but I don't look down on anyone for it, so it's really just taboo to other people, I guess.

  10. Woah, I never knew you were an elderly woman?!? :confused_2: Do you still smoke? That's pretty cool. :smoke:
  11. #11 weednotcrack, Aug 15, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 15, 2011
    I cry a lot to tell you the truth, I usually cry because something moves me emotionally. Things like emotionally charged songs or hearing something tragic happening to a person, animal, or our planet. I don't know about you, but to me it feels good to cry.:eek: Apparently it's because crying releases endorphins.:)

    5 Health Benefits of Crying | PharmaPassport Health Tips Blog

    "Crying is associated with an emotional response. When tears are shed, the endocrine system releases endorphins (“feel-good” hormones) that stabilize the mood. When we cry, we give our bodies the ability to stabilize and become content again."

    Oh, and by the way, I'm also a male, if that makes a difference:laughing:
  12. i actually haven't cried for YEARS.

    last month or so i had a conversation with a friend of mine because i thought crying was a good, normal thing to do. for some reason i just DONT cry. i really wish i could, because i feel like it would really exhale a lot of the problems that i'm dealing with, i just simply don't know how to do it.

    i feel like not knowing how to cry is more pathetic than crying.
  13. im a pretty sensitive guy and if i watch a sad movie or hell YT video you may see me cry. i cried over losin my ex quite a bit.
  14. I don't always cry but when i do, I FEEL LIKE THOR.

    Naw but seriously no your still a man if you cry...
  15. I tell all my problems to my therapist Jack Daniels.
  16. when i have problems, i just go for some southern comfort.
  17. crying doesn't solve anything. If I'm ever stressed or in a situation like those posted before, I just think about how easy I have it compared to those in Africa. I just watched this video clip of this lady telling the reporter how she left her village with 6 children and arrived at the refugee camp with 2.

  18. it's probably not good that i lol'd
  19. Sometimes ur emotions come out. only part of being human kid. shit will get better with u nd ur dad. u should give him some "special" brownies so he calm down though :smoke:
  20. Holding in your feelings can be very damaging to both your mental and physical health.

    I cry when I hurt others I'm close to, or when somebody close dies.:(
    I used to cry when stress got the best of me, but I'm mentally incapable of crying when that happens now, Antidepressants are pretty powerful tools. (Don't start going all hippy-dippy on me for taking them, I won't give a fuck:cool:)

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