Crop circle that is hard to call a hoax...

Discussion in 'Pandora's Box' started by masquerader420, Dec 5, 2010.

  1. Crop circles decoded. [VIDEO]


    I want honest opinions from believers like myself as well as skeptics.

    Redneck with some pieces of wood on their feet, d'yafigure? ;)
  2. Wow, that is really complex. I guess it is possible that humans could've created it if they were all a bunch of engineers and scientists but obviously that isn't likely. When was the film from?
  3. Some are hoaxes some show evidence of exposure to radiation sources.

    Good subject for anyone to do independent research on.
  4. blew my mind... i dont know what to say i want to think theres other people out there but the picture describing aliens with big heads just seems to generic
  5. That is actually a pretty interesting one. No doubt not as simple as idiots just running around making basic designs, but kind of iffy because of two things. For one, that stereotypical head shape was used, and that it was in a crop. The head shape, there is a slight chance that it stereotypical because of legitimacy, but I HIGHLY doubt that any alien life form will be in any chance similar to humans in terms of anatomy. As well, if they advanced enough to travel to earth, I really think they would use a different medium than crops. In my honest opinion, I think there was a group of intelligent people, trying to make an advanced and seemingly legitimate crop circle. I am a believer in extraterrestrials for the record, it is a rather stupid assumption to think we are alone in the universe. I forget who said this but it sums it up perfectly, an ant colony is to earth, as earth is to an advanced alien species. We have an incredibly long way to go before we can even call ourselves approaching an advanced civilization. I don't see humans going over to ant colonies and trying to communicate with them.
  6. I believe in alien life, but that seems too... thought up. My guess is that someone just upped the complexity of a hoax and added some artwork.

    If aliens are smart enough to communicate with us by means of crop circles, without being detected, then they're among us. If they're among us they have surely studied our ways of life, which would tell them how harmless we are compared to their superior technology.. So yeah, I just don't see why they'd make crop circles. But who knows. Could or could not be real, but I'm leaning on could not.
  7. #7 I'm Not Sober, Dec 5, 2010
    Last edited by a moderator: Dec 5, 2010
    That particular crop circle is the response to the arecibo message Carl Sagan sent out in 1974.

    This is the message, in binary that Sagan sent out into space


    That image above describes the following:

    1. The numbers one (1) through ten (10)
    2. The atomic numbers of the elements hydrogen, carbon, nitrogen, oxygen, and phosphorus, which make up deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA)
    3. The formulas for the sugars and bases in the nucleotides of DNA
    4. The number of nucleotides in DNA, and a graphic of the double helix structure of DNA
    5. A graphic figure of a human, the dimension (physical height) of an average man, and the human population of Earth
    6. A graphic of the Solar System
    7. A graphic of the Arecibo radio telescope and the dimension (the physical diameter) of the transmitting antenna dish

    This is what we got back: AMO.NET - We made Contact. - The Arecibo "Crop Formation" reply from extraterrestrial life.

    VERY cool.

    To those who say these are pieces of artwork and are hoaxes, I highly doubt so. I've stood in a crop circle and held stalks in my hands and the way these things are bent and formed and weaved together is absolutely astounding. Some of the stalks get so hot that moisture inside the plant starts to steam, and it actually bursts holes in the sides of the stalk, all without burning or charring the plant. Look it up.
  8. It's a hoax...

    that wasn't so hard.
  9. That's nothing what an alien would look like. Hoax.
  10. What would an alien look like?

  11. Not a generic looking alien that humans have come up with. That's for sure.
  12. yea what would an alien look like? huh??
  13. Unlikely but not for sure.
  14. really would like to explain what a alien looks like then? because i sure as hell have NO idea.
  15. the chances of it looking exactly like a grey (the most famous of the aliens races) is a pretty big indication that its a hoax imo

  16. That's what I'm trying to say.
  17. First off, please dont make fun of rednecks. It makes me feel bad seeing i am one and have been called one since i was 5.

    Second, I think they are real.
  18. both are unlikely but you decide

    either people spent a lot of foresight effort energy and skill making those designs
    aliens are trying to communicate to us through our crops

    its interesting nonetheless to try and put yourself into an ET perspective
  19. i have a question..

    lets say these crop circles are from Life forms from outer space...
    how do they make them?

    They made this particular one at a goverment facility... wouldn't there be cameras at this place to capture some sort of footage?
    whether it be human or alien?
  20. I believe it. It disappoints me that so many people are very quick to dismiss it from their minds, without really giving it thought.

    Yes the image looks like a typical Grey. How does that make it a hoax? Wouldnt there be a reason for this image we know as an "alien".....its not like we invented this image of a creature with a big head and big eyes, i believe we associated it with aliens because of the numerous reports on them.

    what concerns me the most is the message and the picture next to it. Are they trying to tell us that the ET displayed is the kind we should we aware of? Or is it a picture of them, trying to communicate with us.

    Carl Sagan has done more for us than we know, bless him.

    I just think more people should know this kind of information. There are way too many people that just blow it off as BS, and i would hate to see them if/when we encounter ET's face to face, because many people are going to have their world turned upside down, and will react negatively.

    ^this is probably why they choose a slow approach. Over years and years, lifetimes of men, they make their existence more noticeable. They have probably done this before with other civilizations, and know from experience that if they were to simply land on the white house lawn there would be chaos.

    I dont know about you guys, but i simply cannot ignore the rising reports on UFOs. It seems the subject is getting more attention than ever because of the influx of strange things we are seeing.

    It is time for people to open their minds

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