Crazy inventions youve thought up

Discussion in 'General' started by zeppelin390, Oct 27, 2014.

  1. #1 zeppelin390, Oct 27, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: Oct 27, 2014
    I'd like to hear some of your crazy fucking ideas about either a new product you have imagined making that would make the world a better place or a change to an exisiting one.
    Like one I had was creating some sort of beach lounge chair type thing that you lay out on to get a tan, but this one has a bunch of holes in it that constantly blow air on you, that way you stay cool. the frame of the chair being made out of pipe that the air travels through. And for an extra 500 bucks, You can get the water mist attachment....yeah, shooting a fine mist of water on you as you lay out with some ice cold corona's within arms reach
    did somebody say kickstarter
    afterthought: im gonna need everybody that reads this to sign a waver stating they won't steal my idea.
    If I see this chair on an infomercial in a year, I'm coming to collect my money haha

  2. I've tried to reinvent the bong countless times but just cant come up with a design that'd work
  3. Hahaha this is a not-so-clever ruse to steal people's inventions! Can't slip one past me!
  4. All we're gonna do is lay around and talk about how cool it would be. You really think somethings gonna get made? HA
  5. I already have my patent lawyer on speed dial.
  6. Call me crazy but i though about this invention where every body can connect and share stuff and find information like a inter web of connections from many people

    "A more serious problem is having your cock bang against the inside of the toilet bowl. That shits gross."
  7. I love music and being high. The two just mix so we'll together to enhance their best aspects. Well... I wanted to hear the music 3d, like the barbershop I visited last week ;)

    My invention: a chamber artists go into that is circular and basically a giant microphone that records the voice and instrumental in any prepositional place in space and have depth. How awesome would that be :smoking: :D

    Hey, they should make music chamber that just blast music and is virtually a giant spherical speaker internally. Lol haha. Anyway, it would also be an ultra HD TV all around inside and you can choose what to be surrounded by. The cherry on Sunday. Haha

    Maybe I'm too high :smoke:
  8. sign me up
  9. Yep, that's exactly what I think. 
  10. As much as I'd like to tell you what my idea is exactly, I believe my idea would actually make money.
    But one of the things it would do is; it give your bowl a perfect cherry every time, you can have that have any size of the ground up nugg you want (from keif to somewhat large chunks), it's very easy to use, also very easy to transport, and lastly it isn't a grinder.
  11. I had this really great idea ,but i forgot it. :(
  12. how about a spliff that doesn't smell or scent your clothes.. and a pill u can take to instantly de-stone you.. so you can basically spend life stoned and quickly de-stone for those important moments; job interviews, driving test, parents evening etc.

    im really not fussed if someone steals this idea, in fact if someone makes it i'll buy some off u
  13. Imagine a toilet seat. Then imagine a horrible hot humid day. Now imagine if there was a detachable piece of fabric to stop your sweaty as from sliding around on said toilet seat.
  14. i had an idea to print money on toilet paper, so i can literally wipe my ass with money. but then i saw it was already done.
    then i thought, what if I could print pictures of people on toilet paper. then I could wipe my ass with the face of people I hate.
    then i finished my crap and forgot about it.
  15. I will send you cash money if you send me a roll of toilet paper with my ex's pic on every sheet
  16. I smell profit...

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