craziest thing people have told you that would happen to you if you smoled weed

Discussion in 'Real Life Stories' started by junior_toker, Jul 22, 2013.

  1. I was just wondering what crazy things you guys have been told will happen to you if you smoke weed. I have been told that my pecker will shrivel up and fall off etc... just wondering!
  2. actually true, either that or will grow so large that it will never allow you too rest
  3. I was told my balls would become ninjas.

    But little did I know
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  4. My mom said I would never find a job. Now i'm making double what she does.
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  5. become a slow turtle
  6. End up turbo posting on GC everyday for hours on end. I guess i proved them wrong didnt I?
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  7. that i would melt into the couch still tryin to find some weed that can do that
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  8. That's fucking awesome
  9. I was told I'd get hooked on heroin. 
    I was also told that I would lose my memory. If that's true, then why do I always remember where my weed is?
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  10. A dean at my high school told us weed had been linked to breast enlargement in males lol
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  11. did he mean steroids?
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  12. heard that before. long time ago
  13. That I'd go to jail...fucked up thing is I did.
  14. I was told i would overdose.
  15. I was told that it was a gateway drug. But who honestly hasnt heard that bs?
    Lol, was at a party high as fuck and I dont drink but someone offered. I was like "Nah, im good with my weed"
  16. "If you smoke the pot, you will die." - Toasty's Mom
  17. I was told by one of my best friends that i would get lung cancer and die. I laughed.
  18. heard the gateway drug of course. even didn't believe it then. they said "you'll start chasing an even bigger high". yea, so ima go from smoking a plant to snorting lines or shooting up. don't think so. I remember DARE from elementary school. that shit was such a crock.
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  19. LOL The gateway drug thing. Someone told me "If you smoke pot, you WILL try harder drugs". 

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