Crack Cocaine

Discussion in 'Pandora's Box' started by Sonymon, Apr 19, 2009.

  1. hahahahahahaha got 'em...
  2. I definately love crack but I havent smoked any in months. The only time I have a hard time putting it down is at the end of a bender but when I go to sleep and wake up the next day the intense cravings are gone.
  3. Smoking Crack is harsh on the old lungs but is a crazy buzz once you get going, but keep doing it otherwise the drug will control you
  4. I think if you keep doing it the drug is already controlling you... it's definitely some sketchy stuff. I've had one family member who was addicted to cocaine, and another, who was killed as a result of his involvement with, and long-term addiction to crack.
    Personally, I'd say stay away from the shit.

    Weed is where it's at!! w00t:smoking:
  5. Out of pure curiosity how do pay for your habits?

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