Enjoy. Any suggestions what he should work on next? [ame=http://www.collegehumor.com/video:1935686]"Sandstorm" on Toy Trumpet - CollegeHumor video[/ame]
aeriously? you ALREADY posted a thread EXACTLY like this and im pretty sure it got deleted. so why post it again? and like i said in the last post i highly doubt that's your cousin cause its on college humor, if i was on youtube maybe. but still i doubt it is sorry if i sound like a bitch im just getting sick of people being retarded on these boards (not that i can do much about it)
Thats correct. I already posted a thread exactly like this and it DID get deleted. Why post it again? Because it was deleted for being in the wrong section. You are not chill bro
nothing is my problem but its TRUE SORRY IM THE ONLY ONE TOO SAY IT. srsly tho im just tired of seeing retarted threads for people trying too be cool, then the threads get deleted, then they post them again, ITS CLOGGING UP MY TUBES iNB4 SHIT STORM blah blah blah
Oh, the irony.... On a related note, I'd like to see him try to play this: [ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hKg1O5JfZt4]YouTube - Le - Settler Project[/ame]
Chill yo. As you can see the OP is respected on these boards unlike yourself. And you should learn some proper english