Couple questions

Discussion in 'Growing Marijuana Outdoors' started by Codye23, Jun 16, 2008.

  1. I have had 2 plants growing for about a good month or so and they have been doing pretty good. Today I noticed some purple in the stems and yellowish brown spots on the leaves. I used the search button and seen it's a lack of phosphate that usually causes that. I went to Meijer today and bought Fish Emulsion.. I got the one that has 2-4-0 because I figured it would help more.. Am I right or wrong?

    Tomorrow i'll have pics up.
  2. A couple of my plant's had purplish stems too o_O , not sure what it is but mine seem to be healthy but the yellowish brown might be from to much fertalizer, not enough sunlight or maybe ot much water. But what do i know ;)

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