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Countering MJ side effects naturally

Discussion in 'Medical Marijuana Usage and Applications' started by Hobo173, Apr 23, 2008.

  1. MJ has helped with my Asperger's symptoms and saved my life but I still wish the side effects were less. I've been an almost daily user for 2+ years and noticed side effects when I started using it often. They go away if I don't use for a few weeks so it is definitely the MJ.

    Mainly, the problem I have had is lower mental performance. Like my memory isn't as sharp and I make more mistakes. It increases my studdering symptoms because I can't compensate as well. Also, I realized more mistakes in my driving.

    Recently I tried this herbal stuff called MindCare or Mentat . I've been on it for about a month and realized a few days ago that my mental side effects have been decreasing gradually.

    My mental sharpness and memory right now are actually close to what they are if I don't use MJ at all. I haven't even been taking a "full" dose so it could be even better if I do.

    There are actually many studies on Mentat that show definite improvement in mental function over Placebo. A friend recommended it to me but I thought it was BS. Then a few days ago I realized, "damn, my mind is working good and I don't studder". I have been using the same strain of bud for the last 2 months and eating the same diet. The only thing I changed was taking this herb every day.

    I'm not sure if I'm allowed to post a link where you can buy it. I know some site admins hate it when posters sound like they're selling stuff.
  2. I find that exercising, eating healthy, and a good night's sleep is the best way for me to counter the effects of smoking a lot. Also, I find that I don't get burnt out if I just take a few hits from a bowl every couple hours rather than smoking a lot at once. You don't get as high but you can function better.
  3. Yea. It used to kill me when I was obese and in bad shape. I felt like I was going nuts and stupid.

    When I started eating healthy and exercizing, it almost cleared the side effects. These herbs seem to take it to the final level.

    I also stopped smoking and only vaporize since last year. Many MJ side effects go away if you only vape.


  4. +adderall (just kidding, but seriously it works)
  5. try "excercising" your mind. i have a double major as an undergrad at a pretty tough lib arts school and i'm rocking about a 3.5 (though this semester is my hardest and wont be quite as strong.) i smoke at least three times a day. minimum, usually. ive taken three breaks of 1 week apiece each year (skiiing in canada) and otherwise i've taken my trees with me whereever i go anywhere in the country. i dont think you can fully attribute a percieved loss in your mental abilities as a "side effect" of marijuana. frankly, i think its insulting. problems in your driving are problems in your driving. they have nothing to do with smoking weed. you said it yourself, you were making "mistakes." correct them. you're losing a mental or physical edge? get it back. theres nothing in trees that should need to be countered, otherwise, you shouldnt be using them.
  6. I didn't have problems with school even though I toked every day and finished with a 3.6 in Engineering. My GPA actually went up after I started blazing.

    It doesn't affect what I know, but makes me work slower and with more mistakes. It's also way harder to do math and other stuff at the limits of my mind. Some robotics equations I work with are pages long and I get lost if I blazed recently. I also make more mistakes if I have to enter lots of data by hand.

    I'm fine most of the day since I started taking these herbs. I just have trouble pushing my mind to the limit but it seems to be getting better.
  7. I have bi-polar, I take a significant quantity of medication to combat my symptoms. All of these medications alter your brain function, slow you down, and in general make it difficult to have that "edge" back as you refer to. So I know what you're saying. One of the things that helps me is fish oil, it helps lubricate your neurons I believe(someone correct me if I'm mistaken) and also take a b-complex vitamin, those are very good for the brain, even if I don't have the exact reason off hand. If you don't believe me, just look it up.
  8. Hi, i have aspergurs too. like you i feel it saved my life and my relationship (as i lack an emotional thought level.....) I am high functioning but i have extreme social anxiety issues so i use cannabis to relieve that stress. When you start using cannabis medically you have to understand that you can't get (HIGH) all the time anymore or you get those side affects heavy. i started smoking in high school (recreationaly) and eventually 3 years after using recreationaly i discovered that smaller doses at more intervals works better.

    When you smoke its the stoney effect about 10-15 minutes after smoking that helps you i am assuming as the high tends to make aspergurs patients more..asbergaly (as in when your peaking you probably stutter more and get more easily confused by social interaction):confused:

    So...a simple way to counter act that would be to start taking your doses in a baked good form; IE, bake cookies, brownies, candys, cake whatever your favorite sweet is and add cannabis. that way you can find your premium dose and take say 1 cookie 4 times daily.

    in this way you are getting the more relaxed part of the marijuana spectrum and it helps your asbergurs. at the same time you avoid the head peak (save that for when you get home :smoking:)

    I have been doing personal experiments with time release capsuls too. you can buy some over the counter time release herbal suplement pills,(the ones i got had ground ginger for nauea relief) i open em up, replace the ginger with keif and voila a 4-6 hour time realease pill.....the cookies are better tho.
  9. Just make sure you've got your light green to keep you energized during the day, and your purple to put you to bed at night. I think getting a good nights rest makes all of the difference for me.
  10. I actually drive a lot more carefully and cautiously when im high rather when im not i can drive like crazy lol
  11. I was recently diagnozed with Asperger's, and I feel that I know exactly where you're coming from. I remember the first time I blazed, the next day it was like the high was 'carrying on', if you will. Like a pot hangover, I guess. I felt a lot lazier and slow, and my motivation did seem to dull. Since then, I've sort of adapted to it to the point that I can function like a sober person, but I still feel 'recovered' if I go on a t-break.

    Oh, and as others have mentioned, a good night's sleep and proper meals does make a significant difference in the way I feel. I'll be honest, I drive like a fucking terrorist sober or high.

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