could i use a new 6 gallon waste bucket as a pot for growing outdoors ?

Discussion in 'First Time Marijuana Growers' started by HighABDG, Jun 30, 2012.

  1. could i use a new 6 gallon waste bucket as a pot for growing outdoors ?
  2. Just put some holes in the bottom for drainage.
  3. Wash it well before using it- plastics often have nasty oils on them. And put holes in the bottom for drainage.
  4. yes but that is small for a plant thats going outside.
  5. why not plant directly in the earth and use good soil to start the plant in

    u wont be able to move a full grown plant in a 6 gal bucket of dirt anyway
  6. bongboi, why have your plant in a pot?

    Well, for a start, where I live, we had snow in May and June this year! :eek:

    Granny :wave:

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