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Cough cough cough

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by solidus12, Sep 11, 2010.

  1. I always cough a ton when I smoke... even using my bubbler I hack and hack. What's the best way to avoid this?
  2. Smaller hits or some ice in the water
  3. You are coughing because of two things, one you are not used to smoking and your throat has not adjusted yet. Or the smoke it to hot. So to fix this you will need to smoke more or cool down that smoke. Ice, vaporizer, water pipe, smaller hits, slower inhale so you are slowing pulling smoke though the chamber giving it more time to cool. Give it time you will get it.
  4. It is inevitable
  5. I used to cough a lot now if I cough it goes out my nose like a sneeze only lighter and not a sneeze helps me hold my shit in.
  6. Drink some chocolate milk before the hit and see if that helps. It does for me.
  7. An ice catcher makes the smoke feel cold. I can hold that shit in, but when i blow out i cough soo much :bongin:

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