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Cotton mouth

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by oysterxfast5, Aug 4, 2008.

  1. Does getting bad cotton mouth reflect on how the quality of the bud is?
  2. I personally don't think so cause i've gotten terrible couten mouth of some dank shit and also off of some straight shwag.
  3. ditto shot3

    The Duck.
  4. Nope, don't think that has anything to do with quality.
  5. No way lol.
  6. I heard somewhere that cotton mouth was partly caused by the butane in the lighter. That is one of the reasons why people use hakkos with their bongs.
  7. We call it dry mouth here and no...
  8. It's not. You will get cotton mouth no matter how you burn it.
  9. I remember when I was 13 my friend and I both got cotton mouth really fucking bad, and it was a hot summer day. We bought a 12 pack of Hawaiian Punch and drank the whole fucking thing, and still had cotton mouth afterwards. I don't really get it much anymore.
  10. chemicals in the weed slow down the production of saliva. and no it does not it can happen with any weed
  11. Nah man it has nothing to do with the quality.
  12. I drink a glass of water before I burn, a glass while I'm burning (I like to take my time when I have some quality bud) and then a glass about 15 minutes after. If you do this, your eyes will looks a bit better and you won't get any severe cotton mouth, maybe a little dryness. And be prepared to piss like a racehorse about an hour later which feels great when you're just starting to come down.
  13. No it honestly has nothing to do with the quality.
  14. [quote name='"Zero Cool"']I drink a glass of water before I burn, a glass while I'm burning (I like to take my time when I have some quality bud) and then a glass about 15 minutes after. If you do this, your eyes will looks a bit better and you won't get any severe cotton mouth, maybe a little dryness. And be prepared to piss like a racehorse about an hour later which feels great when you're just starting to come down.[/quote]

    Indeed it does
  15. I haven't gotten cotton mouth in a while. I honestly kinda miss it. I used to be able to tell when I was getting really high by how dry my mouth was, haha.

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