i bought my phx mini trinity straight tube for $250 at a local head shop.. its got 2 percs as you see and a splash guard. very easy to clear (though it is significantly small), not much drag because i now put very little water in it, pretty much just enough to cover the slits in the percs.
i got a pretty sick double perc'd bong at a local headshop for 70$ and then bought and ash catcher on the side. it hits super nice i just wish it was a little bigger and had ice notches. going to look at natural percs today. jeah!
The price varies to much by brand to really average it. Drag depends on the tube. PHXs are about as draggy as they come... Toros about as drag free as they come... but that is reflected in the price as well. There are also many different kinds of percs. You gotta be more specific if you want a good estimate on price.