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cornering a bowl

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by backwoods_89, Oct 19, 2014.

  1. First off I'm new to smoking. I have smoked with friends before but it was always their stuff and their setup. Of all the times I've smoked I've enjoyed the spoon pipes the most. I felt like I got a better high and it just seems like a easier method in my opinion.
    Now I'm ready to stop mooching off friends and get my own stuff and learn to do it on my own which leads to my question. As I've been reading some of these threads I've noticed the phrase "corner the bowl" and honestly have no clue what's that means. Also I guess a quick "how to" on a properly packed bowl would be helpful. Thanks in advance.
  2. Cornering means you hold the lighter off to the side so only a small part (or corner) is it, instead of the whole top layer. It conserves a lot of bud, and I find I do it naturally. To pack a bowl you just pinch in a little at a time and tap it lightly with your finger, till its just about level with the top of the bowl. Just make sure theres good airflow before you start smoking
  3. Makes sense. Thanks

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