Copyright dates on Rolling Papers

Discussion in 'General' started by handlebus, Feb 21, 2006.

  1. Hi everyone.

    This is a question I'm asking out of curiosity. I've always wondered about it.

    On the back of papers like JOB's and ZigZag's, there are copyright dates. I think the date on JOB 1.25's are copyrighted 1990. Do the dates on these packages change according to year or package design or do the copyright dates stay the same from year to year and design to design?

    Thanks for anyone who can help out on this.
  2. dude...why do you want to know that?
  3. and why the fuck would you make an acct just to ask that?

  4. I have NO clue. It just struck me as odd that the copyright was 1990 and it's 2006.

    Perhaps I'm a retard. Either way, I would just like to know if anyone has any clue.

  5. Its when they first copyrighted the papers most likely.
  6. Man you went through all the trouble of registering, just so you could ask probably the most pointless question of all time.

    You my friend are the funniest guy ever. I'm going to have to +rep you.
  7. Like people haven't asked questions on here that were more pointless or stupid? Come on... I've read some pretty silly posts... He's obviously high, and just had a random thought.. if there's anyone here who has never asked a silly, or pointless question in their life, may they cast the first stone, otherwise, leave him alone... it's just being dickish to make him feel bad for being high and haveing a silly question... And it's probably like Hazed said in his SECOND post, when they originally copyrighted the papers.

    ~ Terpsichore
  8. This guy is hellbent on findin that shit out.

    no doubt he's high
  9. Heh. Maybe a little (Right, a lot).

    I was just curious is all. Thanks for people who answered. That is probably what it is then. Does anyone here use 1.25's and have you ever seen another date besides 1990 on them?

    My quest continues.

  10. Ok, forgive me if i'm wrong, but I think this is how it goes:
    Copyrights, by definition, are the licenced right to reproduction of any original material. They apply to things like art, writing, music, etc. My guess would be that the copyright applies to the package design, since that is 'art' and therefore can be copyright protected. JOB's and ZigZag's have been around much longer than 1990, so it must've been a design change. It has nothing to do with the product itself, since I believe that would have to be patented and not copyright protected. you can check out if you want to read up more on it.

    (I'm in a music management class right now which deals with copyright law, which is why i know all this.)

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