[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m1PTcLhtTZw]Cops with Machine Guns: The Killing of Michael Nida - YouTube[/ame] “An ordinary patrolman isn’t going to be carrying something like a submachine gun,” says Timothy Lynch, the director of the Project on Criminal Justice at the CATO Institute. Lynch says that even if they have those types of weapons, they should only be using them in rare circumstances, such as when they are confronting a heavily armed suspect. But for decades police have been arming themselves with military equipment like M16s, grenade launchers, and armored personnel carriers. “At first when they got it, the idea was, yeah, this is extraordinary weaponry, we’ll have it just in case we’ll ever need it.” But as decades went by, police started to use them to enforce drug warrants and then started carrying them on routine calls.
I don't trust them with tasers, pepper spray, and handguns. I definetly DON'T trust them with machine guns
"Heres something nice and friendly" [ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4S8Wc26XowM]rage against the machine- Fuck tha police - YouTube[/ame]
I wish there was less focus on the weapon used and more focus on the fact that these pigs killed another innocent person. MP5's shoot 9mm pistol rounds btw.
True but its still a semi to automatic weapon. Cops shouldn't even be carrying these sort of weapons on any basis unless the criminal is armed to the teeth with weapons himself (most likely provided illegally)
I do think the cops in LA need some heavy firepower, but it should only be used in situations like the North Hollywood shootout back in the 90s. That was the incident that changed CA law to allow cops to carry assault weapons. That shoot out was a prime example of why cops need heavy weapons, but those weapons should remain locked in a trunk unless there is some crazy shit going down. I guess if the cops mentality is "if we have them lets use them" then they should be fired or assigned to directing traffic(with no sidearm). Something that really pisses me off about American society is how quickly they forget the past and refuse to learn from history.
[quote name='"trixman22"']I do think the cops in LA need some heavy firepower, but it should only be used in situations like the North Hollywood shootout back in the 90s. Something that really pisses me off about American society is how quickly they forget the past and refuse to learn from history.[/quote] I agree that cops should have weapons in their arsenal but for the police officers that were on duty, obviously weren't combatting a major criminal. They were just walking the street. Kind of like the german ss or military police patrolling the streets of berlin and paris with mp40s. (Except, this is an instance in time of war) What happened in hollywood in the 90s? I am unaware of this event somehow
Every police officer in my city has an M16 or M4 in his patrol car. They say they need it to combat the cartel and since the Obama administration has been selling assault weapons to the cartel and the Bush Administration before it, its hard to argue with that notion. Typical government, creating problems and then demanding more power to fix these problems.