Cops are just the world's biggest legal gang

Discussion in 'General' started by Tokage567, May 27, 2009.

  1. #1 Tokage567, May 27, 2009
    Last edited by a moderator: May 27, 2009
    I've been seeing a lot of "quit hating on the pigs" threads, so I decided to write this.

    Cops are just one big gang. Think about it, they roll up with like 12 other dudes, break into your house, take your shit, beat you up, shoot you, take your money, and even gangsters don't lock you up.

    The more I think about it, the more it seems like they're just legal criminals. I'm not trying to hate on all pigs, because there are some good ones out there, and it's just ignorant to generalise individuals based on anything they're associated with, be it race, or the fact that they're a police officer, but the police as an organization and in general just seems like organised crime, without the crime.
  2. haha dude that's exactly right... :D +rep
  3. Um...Maybe a group but they dont have the same colors, So theres one thing, um...A real gang...Okay maybe your kinda right...But still! haha...i just cant think of any other points.
  4. a gang can be a mish-mash of ethnicities, dude. Just not typically.
  5. dude, I meant like colors, Like there uniforms and cars, Not there skin color! haha
  6. and haha I just saw something. OP has 468 posts and crucialdanks has 864... The exact number backwards.
  7. oh now I see your point haha.
  8. If they are a gang that locks up child molesters, rapists, and killers then I support them.
  9. so just organized? :p
    but yeah, I agree with the concept, and that's definitely a valid way to view the police, imo. but that's not to hold anything negative against the police.
  10. I pretty much agree.

    fuck da po-lice
  11. Yeah, i agree with this.

    Do you think that the average cop walking the beat cares what you do? Most sign up to help people and have a noble job but, unfortunatly, end up enforcing bullshit laws.
  12. Disagree. People that hate the police are people that are stupid enough to get caught for doing stupid shit (albeit for pot charges at home of course).

    Tired of listening to people whine about getting speeding tickets or hearing shit like the pigs pulled me over and took my bong. Fucking simple solution. Don't speed, don't fucking smoke in your car. Dumbass drivers make riding motorcycle a life gamble everytime I ride.

    i forgot what i was just writing about

  13. hahahaha.

    but what about presidents and pms. or are they the squares 'squares'

  14. It isn't speeding drivers that makes riding a motorcycle dangerous. Actually, speeding drivers are not really dangerous at all in a lot of cases.
  15. how does that make sense
  16. Speeding drivers are always dangerous. :rolleyes:
  17. Increasing the speed limit reduces traffic collisions. It's slow and hesitant drivers that cause accidents.

    And yes, cops are a gang. Sometimes they do noble shit, but most of the time they are crooked as motherfuckers.
  18. cops are told what to do. you could even say there brainwashed the "gang codes". depending on what enviornment they were brought up they will naturally abuse there power for their personal reasons. once in the police force they make friends to other like them that hate black people or hate spaniards and go out together and exploit their power.

    i would expect to see corrupt cops in like the southern states where things are accustomed by alot of people --- ie. violence towards blacks. but like now in ontario there is arab cops, black cops, hispanic, white, alaskan, rcmp.... its so diverse i think its pretty legit overall

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