Cool websites?

Discussion in 'General' started by Nit Grit, Jul 20, 2011.

  1. Kinda bored, anyone know a cool site to go to?
  2. No, you dont need FB to sign up for it

    But yes, Stumbleupon is fucking awesome. Its more addictive than crack, meth, and heroin all combined

    I have over 105K 'stumbles'
  3. i can never find anything good on stumble.

    porn sites are pretty cool
  4. I've pretty much read every article on the website. It has some interesting articles and I love the personalities off the writers.
  5. you can also stumble adult sites. :ey:
    stumble is for all ages. is cool too.
  6. Nice, thanks guys!
  7. Sweet was looking for something like thanks for pointy if out fellas.
  8. Cracked and StumbleUpon are great, but I've recently got addicted to a new site.

    I warn you, you may become an addict.

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