Cool marijuana legal map of America

Discussion in 'Marijuana Legalization' started by Green Wizard, Feb 12, 2010.

  1. Marijuana is decriminalized in Nebraska? I live here and have never heard that. Hmmmm.
  2. It's so hard to get an MMJ card in RI I hope they just decriminalize it in like the next year or so.
  3. i don't think NH is decriminalized, it got passed by the house in 2008 but got vetoed by the senate
  4. Something tells me NORML's map is probably right, and you are confusing decriminalisation with legalisation.
  5. decriminalized in iowa i think not i wish tho.
  6. Oregon should have a red border soon aswell, need a few more signatures!
  7. I hope they pass medical marijuana legislation here in Alabama. They have been trying to pass such legislation for years now though. People here are just too damn conservative to go through with it.

    We really need this legislation here. I already know of several people that use marijuana to treat chronic pain around here. Unfortunately, they must be treated as criminals as it stands now.

    Our current governor, Bob Riley, is a complete moron. He is opposed to medical marijuana and marijuana in general. His term is coming to an end soon though, thankfully. I'm afraid the vast amount of right-wing nuts here will elect another hardcore conservative again, and he'll oppose the legislation just the same.

    Alabama is my home state, and I love it, but I get really depressed over the amount of ignorance here.
  8. connecticut is still being gay about it
  9. I fucking HATE Tim Pawlenty(Gov. of MN). He vetoed the MMJ bill. I've talked to a lobbyist that tells me stories about Tim. He is a real dick and extremely self absorbed. How MN, one of the most liberal of states, ever elected him is beyond me.

    And I guess he's hinted at plans for running for president in 2012 with the tea party... Maybe the world will end in 2012.
  10. Your sir are an idiot for saying that..
  11. wut?

    And nebraska is semi-decriminalized.

  12. That sucks. Well. they're at it again...

    New Hampshire: Committee Approves Marijuana Decriminalization Measure
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    February 11, 2010 - Concord, NH, USA

    Concord, NH: Members of the House Criminal Justice and Public Safety Committee voted 16 to 2 on Thursday in favor of legislation to reduce marijuana possession penalties to a civil infraction.
    As amended, House Bill 1653 would reduce the penalties for minor marijuana possession offenses (up to 1/4 of one ounce) from a criminal misdemeanor punishable by up to one year in jail and a $2,000 fine to a nominal monetary penalty of no more than $200.00.
    The measure now awaits action from the full House.
    To date, 13 states have decriminalized the possession of marijuana for personal use.
    For more information, please visit:, or visit NORML's 'Take Action Center' at: Contact Officials - NORML.
    updated: Feb 11, 2010 ​
  13. yea wtf CT get your shit together :mad:
  14. Same with me and GA. At least you guys are making steps with the mmj rally though...we're rootin for ya AL! I've all but lost faith that GA will ever see legal mj, medical or not. Now, time for a :smoking:
  15. NY needs to get it done.
  16. VA should have been legalized a long time ago, theres always top notch strains in circulation around here, and most of the cops I know smoke.

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