Cool Hidden Stash Spot

Discussion in 'General' started by Rp360, Jul 5, 2006.

  1. I was looking around at stuff the other night and I came across
    this: its kind of small but it looks pretty nice to store small stuff in like a small sack or something. Also probably one of the last places that would be considered for keeping a stash or something. Its also pretty cheap too, i'm sure there are some better spots or better things to use for a stash but the idea of this is pretty cool.[​IMG][​IMG]
  2. Looks pretty cool.
  3. If I need to stash something I put it inside my computer caseing, who the hell is going to look in there?
  4. I got some of my stuff in my Camelbak because my family knows I love mountain biking and the like.

    My pipe lighter and stash is usually in a Day Of Defeat Source case since nobody else in my house will touch it.

    The rest is in a cookie tin I got from my ex girlfriend.
  5. my uncle has a safe in his freezer that looks like frozen lasagna, it fucking sick...i would never look in a frozen lasagna if i was robbing a house.
  6. You get raided, Cops will find it.


  7. Is there something that covers the outside plugin holes from the inside?

    So that something isn't noticable from the inside and so smell isn't pouring out of it.
  8. the frozen lasana or the plug outlet?:confused:
  9. a really good place to stash stuff (if you have a Playstation2) is just in the back, you pop open the little thing in the back and theres a little space. im glad i dont ever have to worry about that though...
  10. NOBODY listens to tapes any more.......the tape deck on the stereo works well. In the pocket of a coat you dont wear in the back of the closet......On the bookshelf behind the books, in the side rail of your bed between the rail and the mattress that was my fave when I lived at home In a DVD case something labled vegi tales........or barney
  11. Sounds like a pretty sick stash spot.
  12. that's cutty as fuck. no one will find anything
  13. i put it in my huge as speaker just takes out the subs and shit and i have a shelf inside the speakers i also put it in my ps2
  14. the bestest of the best is up your ass
  15. Would you really want to smoke it then???
  16. Haha, I know I wouldn't.

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