Cooking soil

Discussion in 'Growing Organic Marijuana' started by jblewballz, Mar 18, 2015.

  1. When cooking soil should it be airtight or let it breathe? I am using blue storage bins from walmart. I have the tubs on top of thermal bibs so it wont be directly on the garage floor cause it can get rather cold in there. But not so bad now the weather is changing. Thanks
  2. #2 jerry111165, Mar 18, 2015
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 18, 2015
    Oxygen is very necessary.


    Edit - remember; it's alive.

  3. I thought it didnt need to be airtight. Do i even need anything covering it, i have the lids on crooked so there is airflow and since it is in the garage it also helps in keeping the kids from playing in
  4. #4 waktoo, Mar 18, 2015
    Last edited: Mar 18, 2015
    Loose lids or plastic bags on the top of your soil storage bins are fine.
    I just recently dumped about 60 gallons of soil out of a curbside garbage can for re-amending.  The soil was in there (stored in my shop, nice and cool in the winter) for well over five months with the cover closed.  Smelled like sweet, sweet soil when I emptied in out, even at the very bottom of the can.  It was still fairly moist.  To be honest, I was very surprised...
    If you've mixed your soil with the proper amount of aeration in it and didn't over moisten prior to storage for cycling, there's plenty of air in the mix to keep things from going anaerobic.
  5. I have 3 bins i used. I would fill a 5 gallon buckets almost have way with soil then mix with water (act tea), bucket by bucket and then mix the bins up. That way i know i watered all the soil evenly. I used a grout drill bit mixer. I used 1 part peat, 1 part esoma perlite, 1 part ewc. I made it before and the plants did well. I only grow 2 at a time but we are growing starwberries and stuff this year so i thought this way i wont have to hide the extra soil so i dont have to explain to a teenager why i keep dirt in bin in the garage. Lol
  6. This is how the 1 bin is covered, it has been watered since monday evening and has what i think i santas beard right? The other 2 dont have it since they were just watered yesterday evening. Just wanted to make sure if that looks good and what i should do from now on. Thanks for the help

    Attached Files:

    "what i should do from now on"
  8. What i meant was should it be mixed once a week and water when needed (if needed). How long should it cook.

    Also i am finishing my 2 plants, i am using the same mix of soil. Is it possible to reuse the soil in the next grow? If so do i need to do anything to it. I dont think the new soil will be ready but i will only need 2 solo cups to start

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