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Discussion in 'Weed Edibles' started by Lord_Infamous, Mar 27, 2009.

  1. making some cookies tonight for a trip, used an ounce of mids and got some dank cannibutter from it its greenish, looks pretty dec, we're gonna make 2 dozen, how fucked up u think they'll get us? i've just eaten cookies my friends make not actually made them
  2. Well, it depends on how well you prepared the cannabutter. Sounds like you did a pretty decent job, the danker the cannabutter, the more green and skunky it should smell.

    You guys should get relatively "fucked up", just remember that eating edibles isn't like smoking. The more you eat doesn't mean the more gone you'll be, most of the time it just means you're going to pass out that much quicker. However, I've made brownies that've really been "space cakes", sativas fuck you up mentally a lot more than indicas, the indies really just knock you out. It's very comfortable either way, hope you have fun! :)

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