Conversation I had with a cop

Discussion in 'General' started by infiniteawesome, May 1, 2006.

  1. Makes more sense.
  2. U should have offered to buy him a doughnut. lol

  4. I forsee both of you getting your asses whipped. Unless the cop your aiming for is old, fat, and lethargic.
  5. And then I honestly would have no respect for you. Cops do what they do because they think they can help. You know, not everything they do is about busting people who use drugs. They do some good, too, for their communities or whatever.

  6. so it would be like how an elementary school kid would see a cop, before they learn about some of the bulls*it laws they enforce.....

    another thing: arguing politics and such, with someone who enforces or creates it, only leads to trouble and someone getting pissed and storming off in the end

  7. I think you're barking up the wrong tree here. Check about 8 posts above yours...
  8. I could make a long post pretty much restating what everyone else has said, but I'll just say this: there are cops, and there are pigs.
  9. nice dude...fuck the police
  10. Some of you people strongly believe that there's good cops... but a "good" cop is hard to find. So, I can justly say... FUCK THE POLICE! They're not here to protect our HUMAN rights... they're here to inforce the law. And the law is FUCKED UP! Somewhere along the line, a cop made a choice to be a cop. This includes doing fucked up, unjust things to innocent people. That's how cops are trained... I know a lot of cops, and I've had a lot of conversations with cops. I know what goes on there, and regardless of what you think... in general cops are fucking pricks. Enough so that I can cleanly say I hate cops and everything they represent.

    Someday I want to become a cop hunter and kill cops. Let the people take back the public! Some people say, if you want change... do it legally. You don't understand how fucked up the system really is... you don't understand what's going on here. The people, in power, are too powerful to ever let anyone make changes they don't want... no matter how many votes there are... no matter how much support there is. You have to use violence. There's times to be smart and chill out... and there's times to just fuck shit up.

  11. Thank you, Charles Manson.
  12. some patriots believed it's our duty as citizens to rebel against unjust laws and systems and fight for reform for the common good
  13. Remind me to tell you about the friend of mine that had his jaw broke and was blinded in one eye with mace after he decided to fight a couple cops.
  14. Hey Rasta, while I'm here I was supposed to tell you something about a story...

    While I do believe it is a persons duty to stand up to an unjust law, I do not think violence should be used except in the most extreme of cases. A fucked up legal system isn't the same thing as genocide. The methods have to be appropriate to the situation.
  15. Just when I thought I was getting to understand and like you, you make a statement like this. Violence sometimes should be met with violence, but for everything else there's always a non-violent solution. I'm all for the 'an eye for an eye' concept and 'let the punishment fit the crime', but I have never condoned violence as an emotional response to an idea. That's just fucked up.
    I agree with those patriots. Rebellion doesn't necessitate violence and fighting for reform can be done with words and non-violent actions... it's called civil disobedience.
  16. I don't think the actual police should be our concern.

    It's the growing police state, the massive reducing in the US Constitution and Bill of Rights due to the Patriot Act.

    The growing jurisdiction of globalized military and globalized government slowly encroaching and assimilating us with biometrics.

    The men and women which are in uniform are of little concern, so is the present. It's the future i think of.

  17. I totally agree. To be honest, cops being corrupt is a 50/50 concern of mine, since only about half of them I meet tend to be assholes, the rest are just regular guys one way or another with their own beliefs and such. As long as they don't get all high and mighty with their power and are responsible and respectful with it, I'm not really all that concerned. They stay out of my shit, I stay out of theirs.

    I think that the military industrial complex has grown to such a degree that it has become insurmountable, even by the peoples.

    While some believe that the corruption in the various national governments is benign, I believe it to be something beneficial in a kind of scary way. Let me explain why my original post was only SOMEWHAT sarcastic.

    My personal beliefs of what will happen in the future are only theories at best, but if you consider that the people generally have become complacent towards corrupt politics as of late, it will only be a matter of time before it becomes too much for everyone to bear, and people will take up their responsibilities as participants of the world. This, however, will take many many centures imo as most people need to become intelligent enough to defend and believe in a true "utopian society" before we can even begin to set about it.

    The problem is is that everybody has an underlying sense that the world is awry, but everybody has a different opinion and solution, none of which are any worse or better than the next person's. What bothers me sometimes is people's general ambivalence and cynicism towards their own natural hope for a utopian future, as if to believe in such a thing is either naive or unintelligent. This is because corruption is generally believed to be necessary. I say it's not. As long as we are individuals we will always look out for ourselves first, others second. But what about this underlying sense of self sacrifice for a greater good? We all have it, my question is, if we have it, why not stand up for it? To whatever end.

    Now here's my solution: push corruption to its limits so far as to eventually someone somewhere, starts a revolution against it. They say "no, we don't want this, this is wrong, and I'm willing to put my life down for it."

    People have lost their sense of the divine and morality in favor of self-indulgence and cynicism. This is insanity, but from this insanity will be born a new world order, a true world order, a world in which people are totally free to make their own choices, but people will generally be brought up to understand that their place in the world can, but should not, infringe on other people's places in the world. This is why I enjoy the comic book, "V for Vendetta" so much (the movie gets the point across too). It's about creating a world in which people do whatever they want, but because of the events of the past, we know not to repeat various hatreds, indignities, and general ambivalence. While I believe we are constantly progressing towards this goal, it's taking forever because we have nothing to fight for.

    That's why I truly believe that corruption is necessary, FOR NOW. So that things will get moving. That's why I encourage that cop to continue being a jackass, because it will eventually spur enough disdain in society for that kind of thinking. This is also why I enjoy marijuana, because it gives insight to people and generally creates a sense of community. When the Rastafarians claim that "ganja makes you like Jah," I believe that this is true to some extent, it gives people an insight into the world that can be, but currently is far off.
  18. I'm friends with a few cops who toke up as well. They personally have no problems with MJ, but say "its my job" when they have to bust ppl, but i do know that they go easy on ppl who are respectful and dont carry a lot or aren't dealing. When it comes to other off topics, they bust em hard core.
  19. Ahhh... now THAT sheds some light on the way you spoke to that cop. I was wondering about the sarcastic tone, but since it was you, I figured there had to be some rationale behind it.

    Excuse me, sir, but you just oozed wisdom all over me...! :cool:
  20. I could not agree with you more.

    Rep +

    I'm a Canadian, and i will always be vigilant within my country.

    It's up to the American citizens to take a stand, they would have the world behind them.

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