Conveniently Hidden in a MIlitary Zone

Discussion in 'General' started by maddcatone, Oct 6, 2008.

  1. I was watching a show called The Exodus: Decoded on the history channel which showed a mountain in Sinai, which matches to almost sheer perfection the description, geological setting (according to the 12 miles east of egypt and 15 miles south of *can't remember the name right now*), and oddities of the biblical Mount Sinai, where Moses read aloud the 10 commandments before the Israelites.

    Now I do not take the bible too seriously. I am aware that many of its contents were in fact real, but there is too much speculation involved with the whole story. I believe that it is a telephone (the game) version of the true events of the time period. However I do find it amazingly coincidental that this mountain is within the Egyptian Military zone that is off limits to all public and media.

    Its interesting to think. And yes I am aware that no military would want to allow media, archeologist, etc... within their stronghold for fear of loss of secrecy. However! Does it not seem extremely coincidental that the military would not allow anyone to excavate a site that could be of more importance to our entire race, if they hadn't already found something there?

    This region has even been strategically analyzed by many tacticians and war theorologists, and they all say that this region of land has very little, if any tactical importance, as the land around the vicinity supplies next to zero resources. If the land is useless, then why would the military keep it on such a tight lockdown.

    The fact that this mountain, Hashem el Tarif, is abnormal is already very clear. The men from this documentary were appaled that they could not get in, so they came back later with less gear and snuck in. At the top of the Cleft (which matches the description of the mount Sinai cleft above the amphithetre) where Moses may have given his presentation of the commandments, there was a dried up fresh water spirng. Finding springs on the top of a non volcanic mountain is one of the moere rare geological discoverie of this earth.

    I'm not sure quite what to think, but it serves as an interesting question. WHY the military secrecy, unless they have discovered something important?
  2. Of course they would block it off, im sure there's many things of importance there, considering that the Old Testament is pretty accurate (besides things purposely withheld, of course the many books taken out, such as the famous book of Enoch). Go figure.
  3. Im not surprised. You know how many people would be swarming over those mountains? I dont see a problem with blocking it off to the public but they should allow some researchers to come excavate the site
  4. ...everything seems to be in a military zone in the middle east.

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