Controlling your crown chakra

Discussion in 'Religion, Beliefs and Spirituality' started by Matticus, Apr 5, 2009.

  1. Can anyone else here control the flow of your crown chakra? I didn't realize what it was at first but it's this ability I've gained after hours of isolation in my office with nothing to do, just generally having a lot of free time to discover things.

    I can basically create this numb feeling where the third eye would be, and with enough focus it can travel throughout my body.

    It takes a crude form of meditation for me. I don't use any sort of position, because I feel it would take too much focus on the actual position and not what I'm trying to accomplish.
  2. #2 Androgenicx, Apr 5, 2009
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 5, 2009
    If your going to work with chakras, work with them all, not just the crown.

    And especially when it comes to the crown, don't play around with it. Energize it through chakra meditation and leave it be. Don't try to control it. It plays the most vital part as the energy is around your brain system. And the third eye is at the ajna chakra, not the crown.
  3. Well, the first chakra I discovered was when I got high one day and walked around Wal Mart. At the time I didn't know what the hell it was, but it felt like a ball of energy in my stomach that would move up and down. I haven't been able to find it after that though...
  4. I don't do a lot with chakras myself but when I separate from my body that's where I exit. :)

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