Container organic gardening

Discussion in 'Growing Organic Marijuana' started by happyscrappy, Apr 27, 2012.

  1. Hi,:wave:
    I have been lurking for a while now and have read all the stickies but have not seen my one
    concern addressed.
    I am in the middle of my second grow.

    2x white widow from seed
    250w hps
    soil -- mix of fox farm happy frog, organic local mix, and 1/3 perlite
    nutes-earth juice ( i know , my plants are on the crack)

    Plants are happy but I am not.

    I would like my next grow to be a self made soil mixture that can see me to harvest
    without minimal human help. Mother nature is the best gardener.

    I read soil recipes but they are in too large quantities

    Help a baby grow, please.
  2. You got any idea whats in that local organic mix of yours?
  3. yes.

    compost and sphagnum peat moss.
  4. 2 parts Peat moss
    1 part compost or EWC
    1 part airation (perlite, vermiculite, lava rock, pumice, rice hulls-any of these or a mix of them)

    add crab meal ,kelp meal, neem seed meal- 1/2 cup of each per cubic foot (C.F. is 7 gallons)
    add 4 cups of rock dust per C.F. (glacial rock dust, Azomite, Granite dust, crushed up lava rock, ect.)

    This is LD's soil. He adds botanical teas and ACT's throughout the grow. If you want to just add water, you would probably want to add some Dr. Earth Tomato and veg. If you want minimal human help get the Tromf blumats watering system.
  5. thanks

    if anybody else has anything to add, please do
  6. That's really all you need to know. Irie said it in a nutshell. Quality compost and/or earthworm casings is key.


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