
Discussion in 'Philosophy' started by ben, Jan 19, 2006.

  1. so, just seeing if i'm alone out there or not. most people just get stoned for a way to get fucked up. for example, you might see a football team of dudes with a few bongs getting totally ripped for the feeling of being fucked up. for me it is much different, i do it because i enjoy the feeling of being relaxed and it makes me feel more spiritually connected with the earth and many things. its great to roll a weed cigarette with your friends and smoke it before a concert to feel connected with the music and, to me, i dont do it just for the crazy sensation. most guys get huge devices to get "fucked up" as fast as they can and as intensely as possible, but not me. i like smoking with my friends out of a small pipe or a joint just to enjoy the feeling. i dont know if im making sense here, but thats how i see it and im wondering if anyone else does too.
  2. Ya a lot of people on this site are just like you, including me.
  3. derdy hippies

    (yeah, me too)
  4. Yeah, weed is a powerful plant, I personaly think it's a shame how most people never realize its true potential. You can take three puffs off a joint put with the right mindset you can be higher than you've ever been.
  5. what do you mean?
  6. I think that the so-called "tolerance" that people build up is an illusion. Whenever you see/hear/experience something enough times, your mind stops noticing it. Like how the beauty of a nice view fades after you've seen it a couple of times. Obviously when you smoke daily, you sometimes stop even making the distinction as to wether you're high or not.

    The thing is, your brain always absorbs the same amount of THC. Next time, before you light up, just shut your eyes and try and feel out your body. Right after you take your first puff, notice how you're already feeling different. Try and home in on the body buzz. Take another puff.

    When you really clear out your mind and focus on your high, you can feel as stoned as you did on your first toke (physically at least, you probably won't go as crazy!) I swear! This works for me and I've smoked almost every day for the last three years.
  7. I dont know man. I smoke every day and I like a nice bong. But I dont smoke to get fucked up, because to tell ya the truth I have passed that stage many moons ago. I smoke everyday, and any thats offered.. and I probably will until I cant (even then ill hire someone to hold my bowl for me).

    And as for tolerance being an illusion or like, a mind trap.. doesn't make sense. I base basically my whole day around being high.. that doesnt mean I ONLY smoke I just like to be high throughout my daily activities.. but uh, when it goes dry here or for some reason I cant get bud, the first 3-4 days are absolute hell. I cant sleep, have bad appetite, and am just fucking unmotivated. And that feeling lingers for weeks if you dont get bud, which I usually NEVER go that long, never..

    That should make sense.

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