Confirmation of males :(

Discussion in 'Growing Marijuana Indoors' started by GrowMassGrass, Jan 11, 2013.

  1. Both males... Wtf!! Should i grow them out for hash?

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  2. Totally up to you but if you don't have anything to start or started why not as long as you don't have any females around

    Sent from iPhone 5
  3. i would not wste my time in that.instead of you want to learn on how to grow plants... looks like you already know it so. its germination time for you, need more seed ...
    dont waste your time with male plants. they dont worth the time and money spend on liquiq,ph, etc
  4. I have 2 about 2weeks old from sprout. Very slow ( have been 12/12 from seed, and a considerable distance from the lights) they are from a hermed plant from my first grow, so hoping they are female....... While them not being anywhere near mature enough to grow bud it will be fine? Im putting the small ones in thier own cabinet now, on 24/0
  5. Throw those suckers out and git some more going yesterday...


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