Hi i purchased this http://www.grasscity.com/int_en/meshugga-clear-and-frosted-glass-cool-rider-cylinder-ice-bong.html#.UcIX15zCemh 16.5 inch version and received it yesturday. The cone/bowl piece pull-through hole is quite large(i can nearly fit my pikny finger in it). Im currently using steel screens and mould them and spread it across best i can to avoid any air holes. Even so it seems no-where near air-tight and i run out of breath before i can finish it all also causing me to cause wastage. I purchased a carb stopper.. but it was too small :x I have the carb hole blocked now, though. Do i need to purchase a new bowl/cone piece? Any ideas which? Do i need glass screens? if so which size/shape? Any help is greatly appreciated, thanks in advance!