Completly new to growing. Bank recommendations?

Discussion in 'Marijuana Seeds Banks' started by KushAndPurps, May 4, 2011.

  1. I'm completely new to growing and don't know which seed bank is best. It needs to be compatible with cash order. Nirvana seems promising?
  2. Attitude or grasscity. I used attitude but if I order again it will be EDI for sure.
  3. #3 KushAndPurps, May 4, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 15, 2016
    Strain recommendations?
  4. id say attitude is great choice...use the code "420" during checkout for 10% off your order.

    as far as which stains id say lets start you off with something reasonably easy to grow...
    Northern Lights is a great beginner strain...its available through many different far as to which breeder to go with...its really up to you as ive heard great things about all of them and bad things about all of can be hit or miss.

    another good one is the original skunk #1. this is available through many different breeders but the true ORIGINAL is available from seedsman.

    since its your first grow your best bet is probably bagseed but if you insist on getting a strain from a seedbank its best not to break the bank looking for a top shelf strain as you more than likely will not be growing it to its full potential (its like that for everyone the first time or few around).

    nirvana seeds (incase thats what you have your heart set on) is available through the attitude seed bank...not all of them but a fair majority of the more popular ones...also check under "the sativa seedbank" as some of the nirvana strains are listed there.

    nirvana and the sativa seedbank are very is "female seeds", greenhouse, mandala seeds (regular seeds only), etc.

    hope this helps you on your quest.

    one more note: read the descriptions of the strains CLOSELY before buying (They usually all tell you the height, flowering period, estimated yield, etc.)

    dont put too much stock into what they say the yield will be usually as it can vary wildly.

  5. I personally only use 4 seed banks...

    1. Attitude
    2. Single Seed Company
    3. Sannie's Seed Shop
    4. Delicious Seeds

    I have always got the seeds within a reasonable time frame...

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