Company Wifi. While In Android Phone..

Discussion in 'Silicon (v)Alley' started by ganjii, Jun 1, 2013.

  1. so I was at work the other day and was surfing the web researching how to beat a drug test on a my company's mobile wifi card.... got a call bc I used 2gigs and they tracked it to an android phone.. with this info can they actually see what websites I went to? it wasn't on purpose my phone would randomly I fucked?
  2. #2 Ẅest Čoast, Jun 1, 2013
    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 1, 2013
    How can you possibly go through 2 gigs of data just searching on google? And who exactly called you?
  3. Yes they can see where you went, but hopefully they don't look. If they do look tell them that your buddy asked to borrow your phone and he must have searched it or come up with a better excuse because you might need one.

    Leave your wifi turned off unless you intend on using it, it drains your battery and gets you busted at the same time!! :p
  4. #4 Doc-J, Jun 2, 2013
    Last edited: Jun 2, 2013
    If they are worth a crap at network design and administration, yes they can see exactly where you went while browsing. That goes for pretty much any decent sized corporate or government network. Any place large enough to be running their own servers will almost definitely have the capability. Small business may or may not have the capability depending on infrastructure. I have seen people get records pulled when misusing hotspots on several occasions.
  5. #5 Deleted member 506764, Jun 2, 2013
    Last edited: Jun 2, 2013
    Depending on your network your phone may have a network optimizer that will automatically turn on wifi for you and try to connect to a network. If you have verizon this is not an optional feature to my knowledge, and the only way to avoid it is to not set up your work network to work on your phone (assuming it uses some type of security that requires you to put in a passcode in order to use it). If you have sprint the network optimizer can be turned off in your settings, and if you have at&t I don't believe there is a network optimizer. If there is no network optimizer simply leaving wifi off will solve your problem in the future.

    And like other posters said, if they want to they can most likely easily determine what you were doing online. At this point all you can do is hope their only concern is that you were using a lot of data and not how you were using it.
  6. thanks.. yeah I'm gonna lay low and hope for the best.. lol
  7. Just admit you were watching porn. 2 gigs worth of google searches on drug testing? I don't think so :)
  8. no porn, . work environment has too many eyes.. watching documentaries from vice.. but I'm a googling mofo...and I become seriously obsessive with certain information and can tell you right now that quickfix, strait from spectrum is legit.. and even tested with an adulteration kit just to see if the stats were right.. but I haven't seen an actual fail without the user being the one to blame by their own screw up... but that is another post
  9. I like your handbanana picture.

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