Comment on this outdoor scenario please

Discussion in 'First Time Marijuana Growers' started by rast4man, Sep 19, 2007.

  1. So my roomie and I decided to start a small grow for testing purposes. We found a nice area covered by foilage and bush. The spot has dampness in the NW corner which runs East to the spots we picked. We didn't want water saturated area so we chose some that has just the most slightest hint of moisture.

    I went out there the other day and gauged the sunlight. From what I can tell, the plant will get great sunlight from roughly 10-4PM. (I'm going to check it again tomorrow)today)) It is just bag seeds, but from my germination, all of them sprouted with at least an inch root in 2 days. I planted 5 so far in these areas, and one is absolutely taking off. I put the rest of the 4 in the ground today. My main concern is the soil at this point. Is there anything I can do to the soil around where it is planted to enrich it? Would nutes supplement the plant long enough if the graw area isn't as desirable as it could be? (We are VERY limited on grow options right now)

    Any insight would be appreciated. And for the record, this is to work with a plant in hopes of growing a strain that is very nice eventually. I figure this would be good practice.
  2. You will hear lots of advise to NOT use continuous release fertilizer, but I've used Osmokot on my plants and have had nothing but excellent results.

    aside from hauling bags of compost to your site and mixing it in with the natural soil, Osmokote is the best way I can think of to supplement the soil.

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