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coming up and coming down best part?

Discussion in 'Seasoned Marijuana Users' started by smiles64, Jan 28, 2010.

  1. Does anyone else feel that coming up on a high and coming down from one are the best parts of smoking? I find them the most relaxing parts(especially coming down, and even more so with a cig).

    It could be that i smoke too much past the point of a good high but i can't help it, the first couple tokes are just so good :)

    just got my molino mini bong in the mail today and properly stole its virginity :smoking:
  2. I agree to an extent. My favorite part of the high is the come up; feeling the transition from soberness to the high is pure bliss.
  3. I agree but coming down to me is only fun when i go to bed have such a great sleep
  4. coming down sucks, honestly, the first couple of hits you take before you pass (if you do lol) are the best, you taste the green alot more then the second time around in rotation.

  5. I love the come down, and listening to comedown by bush at the same time :). But I agree that the first couple hits are best
  6. i don't like the come down, that's when i feel real lazy and tired

  7. This.
  8. Depends on the bud, sometimes bud has a really good come down that doesn't include extreme laziness or tiredness. Also depends on the situation too, for example coming down as your just about to lay in bed, watch TV, and pass out.
  9. Coming down on weed is one of the only few things I dislike about it. I always get tired as hell, and I feel like a lazy stoner.

    Then I take another rip! :D

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