columbine was on 4/20, imagine that shit. what a buzz kill.

Discussion in 'General' started by Golden Lungs, Apr 20, 2013.

  1. can u picture being in school at columbine on 4/20 all stoned and shit havin a good time and then all of a sudded these 2 ass holes start shooting the place up.
  2. You're messing with people's busman do the negative out of the day

  3. Yep, Very sad day... :cool:
  4. So we'll smoke on that day to honor them
  5. And its hitlers birthday... Maybe we should move this holiday to 419?
  6. Something Bad's always happening on a good day
  7. I got arrested for drinking on my birthday
  8. Another one man's head games you can't even grasp the concept of how he thinks
  9. Would you hang on the cross for your brother
  10. They did it because it's Hitler's birthday, not because of 420's relation to marijuana....

    No buzzkill for me, why? Because I could lose my life at any moment courtesy of some nutbar running around with a gun or explosive. That being said my heart will always be with the victims and families who lose loved ones in senseless tragedies or freak accidents.
  11. It's not 420's fault hitler had to be born today.
  12. fuck that don't move the holiday the point is for this one to be dominant over columbine & hitler

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