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Discussion in 'Growing Marijuana Indoors' started by JoshParkinson, Jun 27, 2019.

  1. Hi all,
    Quick question, at what stage in a plants life does it get colour if it’s going too.
    I’m growing some gg4 by blimburn and I believe they have the potential to produce purple colours?
    Thanks in advance!
  2. I’m day 44 now bro and the breeder says 9-10 weeks.
    Is there still chance mine could?

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  3. sometimes the wavelength of the light affects this, sometimes temperature can affect this (colder night temps),
    and I'm not sure about a couple things, such as when you say 9-10 weeks, do you mean since the switch to 12/12 or since flowering started (~2 weeks after),
    and is this particular detail mentioned by the breeder? I think GG strains are usually 8 weeks (not 100% on this), so the 9-10 weeks sounds like they included the transition period,
    From your posted picture, looks nice, I'm not sure why you are worried about purpling (I presume) since this usually retards cannabinoid accumulation (so I've read) and may not be a good thing.
    If you want color, cool it down at night or try introducing some different wavelengths to your light. I've noticed a lot more purple on the flowers when I expose them to 660nm, which you can buy as a separate augmentation board (from HLG and others).
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  4. Thanks for the info once again bro.
    I’m not worried about purpling but it would just be sweet this being my first grow having some purple flower lol
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  5. And yeah I think they included the transition period bro, Seedsman says 8 weeks but blimburns website says 9-10.
    I can’t wait lol I’m growing in coco and feeding by hand so it’s been a killer having to see them twice a day, Deffo going with a auto feeding system next time or maybe dwc
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  6. Usually with the strains I've grown I see it in the last few weeks of flower and when it starts it happens quickly. Even some purple strains I grow, not always 100% turn color, which is fine from what I've read and been told.

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  7. I'm pretty new to growing but I think it has a lot to do with the strain . My purple buckeye from melvenetics is getting purple in it already it's only been 21 days since I flipped to 12/12. After taking the picture I noticed that the leaves are getting a bit yellow . It looks a lot different with the lights off . Maybe I need more nitrogen in my nutes

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  8. Do not go by breeders times.

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