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Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by Neronite, Jun 1, 2009.

  1. I'm thinking I go to a newsagents and buy a bunch of those colouring sets with the colouring book and pencils. I've heard it's great to colour while blazed.

    How is it though? Experiences please. :smoking:
  2. Unless you really like to color... this is stupid.... no offense.... but do something creative or active... draw, write music, paint, play soccer, work out, rollerblade, skateboard, bike, jog, play some video games even (if thats your thing) but please dont wastte your time playing with colouring books for children... ahahha

    Sorry if I came off as rude, jus lettin ya know that I would NEVER waste my time colouring anything other than a piece that I just drew...

    ...BTW, greetings fron Ontario, EH.!:smoking:

    (colour > color) anyday.. ;)
  3. I like colouring anytime..I've only coloured once when I was high, though.. I'd say it was the same as normal, except I couldn't stay in the lines because I was in the passenger seat of a car, and bumps threw my shit off. But I guess it's ok?
  4. or go to a art store and get a sketchpad, then you can draw whatever you want, not what the book tells you to draw..
  5. The only thing that I like doing a lot more when stoned that's related to that would be to make new tags in a sketchpad. But as for drawing, it makes it more tolerable if around kids or something. If you try and like it though, more power naturally

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